Ticket Update

Live a little and come to PPUSA X in September! Of course, that's easy for me to say, being a local and all. You know
what I mean, though. A few less dollars in my pocket won't keep me from being there. No way!

Hey I'm local too and live on a fixed income, but still manage to make the show every year. And will as long as there is a show to make. Just think about it $731.00 a month doesn't go far, but sacrifices have to be made so I can attend. I realize times are tough, but just remember there is always someone out there that has it worse off than you. That said, I'll see you all in Sept. and will be rocking my chair as I've done every year. Thanks again Glenn for providing an awesome festival for us die hard rockers to enjoy. :headbang::worship:
Hey I'm local too and live on a fixed income, but still manage to make the show every year. And will as long as there is a show to make. Just think about it $731.00 a month doesn't go far, but sacrifices have to be made so I can attend. I realize times are tough, but just remember there is always someone out there that has it worse off than you. That said, I'll see you all in Sept. and will be rocking my chair as I've done every year. Thanks again Glenn for providing an awesome festival for us die hard rockers to enjoy. :headbang::worship:
If that's you in the pic, I've definitely seen you at the festival in previous years. I will look for you again this year! I live over in Gilmer County, BTW! All hail North Georgia metalheads!:headbang::kickass:
I was on-line at 10am sharp to get my tix. I didn't trust the "print at home" so opted to have them fed-exed!! That beautiful tix was in my hand by Monday at noon!!! My hotel is booked, and when I get back from Fla. next week, I'm buying the plane tix. I am a PPUSA virgin, but I know this is only the beginning for me-the first of many more shows. Glenn, in my humble opinion, you deserve to be knighted for having this festival. I will see all of you wonderful ppl. in 6 months!!!!! This is the first time in my life I want the summer to "fly by"!! lolol
I hope I'll be able to go to see Fates Warning. I've wanted to see them for years, and I was more than excited when I heard they'd be headlining this year. But I'm about to graduate from college and don't know where I'll be in september (I'm in CT now), so I can't justify buying a ticket. Hopefully I'll be able to meet some of you guys there.
I hope I'll be able to go to see Fates Warning. I've wanted to see them for years, and I was more than excited when I heard they'd be headlining this year. But I'm about to graduate from college and don't know where I'll be in september (I'm in CT now), so I can't justify buying a ticket. Hopefully I'll be able to meet some of you guys there.

Make a hotel reservation now (if you haven't already done so). Obviously you don't know where you'll be living by September, but make as many plans as you can ahead of time. Also, make sure you inform your future employer (hopefully you'll be employed by then) that you already have plans and will miss a couple of days of work. :)
I already have my ticket paid. Frankly I don't feel confortable either making plans so far ahead. I cannot predict what my economical situation will be or what can happen to me in these coming months.
But I understand in a way why the need for such early selling, no matter how much money Glenn can have at hand now, the organization of a festival like this, the need to pay for the venue, the deals with the bands, the whole paperwork to bring an international band to play in USA (remember anyone, the famous visa problems?), payments to the companies that will provide the sound, the security company, the lighting, the company that will film the DVD, the deal with the labels that will go to sell their CDs, etc., trust me it's hell on earth for your mind and liver.

When my friend Darren organized a Dio concert here in my country I was right with him being a liasson between the band tour manager (a world class creep btw) and Darren. He send the money to the band and one of the banks in charge of the transaction fucked up. So there we are minutes before the concert with not a big audience (sadly) and the band was still deciding if they play or not, since they didn't got their money yet. They finally played and the money as far as I know appeared, but the tension was terrible. So imagine poor Glenn dealing not with one band, but with all of them for a two day concert.

As much as I can dislike put my money such in advance for anything (icnluding flying) is the way the world turns right now, these are the cards dealt to us and we have to play with them.
I would like to thank Visa and Mastercard for making PP a reality every year. I rarely ever have the money to go to the fest but thats the joy of the credit cards I make sure that they're all paid off before I go to the fest and then pay what I can after the fest.
Last year was my first ProgPower and when I got home my wife said I was a different person.She said I was happier and seemed to want to talk more as opposed to the normal gloomy outlook I had on life at that time.I think the experience did that to me because for a long time I just fell into a boring routine and just accepted that my metal concert days were over.ProgPower is beyond special for me because to this day my wife says I'm still that happier person and she has even agreed to come with me this year.She has never been to anything other than a country concert,so I'm going to try everything I can to get tickets.I don't care if I have to take out a loan to pay for the tickets and hotel.I'm dying for my wife to share the experience with me.Glenn is my hero and I'll never be able thank him enough for what he does and for what it did for my personal life.

That's freaking awesome!

It's hard to explain how much PP tends to change people. You become such good friends with people that you've never known. You become friends for life.

I'm looking forward to meeing your wife... Let her know that corset night is on Friday and we'd love to have her in the picture. Even if she doesn't wear a corset. :)

I got my tixs but I am having trouble printing them from Ticketmaster? Is this happening to anyone else. The payment when through and I have a confirmation number but when I go to Print tickets it gives me a notice saying to check back.
I got my tixs but I am having trouble printing them from Ticketmaster? Is this happening to anyone else. The payment when through and I have a confirmation number but when I go to Print tickets it gives me a notice saying to check back.

Take note, look at my earlier posting here for the solution, or Brucekg, then you'll get 'em.
I got my tixs but I am having trouble printing them from Ticketmaster? Is this happening to anyone else. The payment when through and I have a confirmation number but when I go to Print tickets it gives me a notice saying to check back.

This seems to be a recurring event with Ticketmaster, however the answer is in this very thread, check back on the first page. I had this problem and was able to get it resolved. Also the post right after mine gives you the phone number to call to get this resolved.
With the lineup that Glenn has put together, there should be no question of a sellout. But, as Michael has said, the economy is sputtering. Look at me. It killed me to having to turn down Glenn as this lineup basically commands me going. Believe me, I have been wanting to go to PPUSA since I first heard of the festival in '05. But, what felt worse is that our financial situation has forced us to postpone our Church wedding in my wife's village in the Philippines. Now, I am not complaining. The wounds were self-inflicted. But, until we get the bills under some control, a lot of things that we'd like to do, like PPUSA and a Village wedding, need to be put on hold.

My best wishes to those who are in financial distress at this troubling time.
UPDATE: I decided to call ticketmaster and complain about this email and was intending to ask for a refund of the ticketfast charge. Well, for some strange reason, the lady I ended up speaking with was actually HELPFUL.

Uh, oh, hopefully no one from management at TicketBastard reads your post. This will surely go in her permanent file. :lol:

I agree 100% with those who mentioned that looking forward to PP improves one’s mental outlook. In fact, studies have shown that the positive mental state we get from looking forward to something benefits our overall health as well.

I have line items in my monthly budget for “vacation” and “emergency fund”…just like “utilities” or “rent” or “food”. I plan trips about a year in advance, sometimes even farther out. There’s a good chance my job won’t last through the rest of the year (I actually didn’t expect to make it through 2008), but I wouldn’t dream of skipping out on any of my travels! :headbang: