Ticket Update


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001

After a little over three weeks, there are less than 250 tickets (out of 900) remaining. The pace over the past two weeks has been nice & steady.

We have sold 75 tickets since the "Win Gold Badges for Life" contest was opened up. Out of those 75, we have received only 3...yes...3 entries. Those aren't bad odds for those folks at the moment.

Thanks everyone. We appreciate the continued support.
Good stuff! For all you people who are forum lurkers but don't have the courage to join the party and are still on the fence about coming to the festival, BUY YOUR DAMN TICKET ALREADY! :lol:
Just like Matos, you won't show ;)

It's not like I won't go to every ProgPower in the future - this will be my 3rd in a row.

But I'm pushing a friend of mine to buy his DAMN TICKET NOW because going with FREE Gold Badges would be sweeter.

And leave me money to sponsor someone?