Ticket Update (4/4/06):

AngraRULES said:
After Forever should be on next year's ProgPower. =)

Oh yeah.. After forever :worship:
With AF I would be at progpower no matter what!! (even if I didn't like the rest of the bands lol )

Anyways... 150 tickets to go.. that's pretty good... and people thought it wasn't going to sell out...... I guess they were wrong :kickass:
You know something, I am a big supporter of this festival as Glenn knows, and I do hope it sells out, but I do understand Glenn's legit concern now. Everyone just sees that there are only 150 tickets left, but what some don't realize is that those become the hardest ones to sell.

The bulk of the people going already secured their tixs as soon as soon as they went on sale. Sure there will be some stragglers here and there, and that must be hard for Glenn to deal with since he would obviously hope to feel comfortable that the thing definitely sold out.

I do not intend this post to be pessimistic in anyway, i just think that what i said is the reality of the situation. I think Glenn even said himself that the last 100 or so are the toughest to sell.

Granted there is plenty of time and i personally think the lineup is strong enough to draw 150 people more.

As for the Within Temptation reference- that would finally bring my wife, her sister, her friends, etc.. to Prog Power!!! Not to mention they are one of my favorite bands. I could only hope to see them one day and PP will most likely be the only way!
Pretty Maids will sure up those "loose ends" in tickets next year. Hell, Loudness was sold out (or damn near) at Jaxx so the Maids will be a lock to move tickets!! But I'll say "I told you so" next year after waiting for the past 5 years. :)
woosta said:
Pretty Maids will sure up those "loose ends" in tickets next year. Hell, Loudness was sold out (or damn near) at Jaxx so the Maids will be a lock to move tickets!! But I'll say "I told you so" next year after waiting for the past 5 years.
Perhaps you could just add a Pretty Maids banner to your UM signature, and forgo requesting them in evey thread.:loco:

Everyone who knows about the fest gets their ticket right away, or so it seems. The remaining tickets would have to go to fence-sitters or uncool people not in the know. Do we really want them there if they are uncommitted or not underground enough? No, I say! They are untr00. Raggi would not approve, and it goes without saying how much his opinion is valued by all true metallians. Slay the apathetic!
nightwish58 said:
Everyone just sees that there are only 150 tickets left, but what some don't realize is that those become the hardest ones to sell.

True true... they are very hard to sell. I just wish they don't sell out before I have money to buy my own.... LOL Otherwise, my nice boyfriend will have to buy it for me :saint:

Just saw that there are 109 left... I must hurry
nightwish58 said:
As for the Within Temptation reference- that would finally bring my wife, her sister, her friends, etc.. to Prog Power!!! Not to mention they are one of my favorite bands. I could only hope to see them one day and PP will most likely be the only way!

I don't get WT's reluctance. Their management company must really want to avoid the US at all costs.
Some people don't buy tickets on the sale date because they don't have money on the sale date.

Watch what happens Friday and Saturday when a lot of people get paid.

Anyway, those who always buy more tickets than they need better hope it sells out, otherwise they'll be eating those extra tickets.
Useless prediction # 14412 from adaher:

When people get paid on Friday, the remaining tickets will be sold. By Saturday, that is.

But I'm still thinking that the market for extra tickets people are trying to unload is going to be exceptionally weak this year. I think by August there are going to be some bargains available. Which will have implications for ticket buyers next year.

I may not know squat about promoting a festival, but I do know my market psychology.:)
General Zod said:
Perhaps you could just add a Pretty Maids banner to your UM signature, and forgo requesting them in evey thread.:loco:


Nah, banners are for pussies! I want you all to read the words each and every time. MAIDS! MAIDS! MAIDS! o_O
Angrafan said:
Just got 2!

One for a friend from Brazil! This is going to be his first ever prog power..

And 1 for a friend from CT who is broke :rolleyes:

Fuck You, I have a shitload of stuff to pay this week! :lol:
You are so nice, Lucas!! LOL These "broke" people.... oh God :rolleyes:
Tell your nice friend from Brazil to pay you for both... what do you think?

....About 100 to go now... ??? *maybe*?