Tickets: For Sale/Wanted

i have one hellish rock tour ticket and one ticket for each night all for $160, PM me if you are interested.
Hello guys!! i have tickets for sale, 2 of my friends cancel the trip so i will be attending only with one friend so i have all this tickets for sale:

2 tickets for wed sep 24 progpower preparty circle II circle general admision ------$20usd each: $40usd
2 tickets for thu sep 25 Hellish Rock World -------$37 usd each: $74usd
2 tickets for friday sep 26 progpowerusa IX -------$59.50 each: $119 usd
2 tickets for saturday sep 27 progpowerusa IX------$59.50 each: $119 usd

i want to sell all tickets at once, i take paypal only, all tickets are: $352usd i can sell them all to one person at $300usd for all the tickets!, i really need to sell them fast so please email me asap:

im in mexico i will ship with fedex (takes 3 days to arrive to destination in US) for only $30usd so total will be $330 usd, hurry up! and see you guys on atlanta soon!
Hi guys I am selling a regular ticket for this progpower, I was not able to go this year but my brother is and we have one spare ticket, I don't want to waste it so I give it for $100, both days I guess (I don't remember if there was a ticket per day, it has been like 4 years since my last PP :S).

Since I am from Costa Rica I can only get the tickets in the venue, so the deal would be that my brother gives the ticket in exchange for the money right there.

Anyone interested please send me an email to francisco.olaso AT (placed it like that so no bot gets it hehe).

Now I feel bad for not been part of the Costa Rica party going up there this year, i would suck not to see John Oliva this year :waah:
We were ready to head to Atlanta at the end of the month but over the summer my husband got a job in Austin, TX. So we are not able to make the trip this year. We have two Gold Badges for this year only and my son's ticket. I would like to sell each for $100.00 a piece. PM me if you are interested.:waah:
I have 1 (one) ticket for the Thursday Sept. 25th Helloween show available.
My friend Chris will be at the show with the ticket.
Just look for the short round guy with the greying buzz cut and glasses....(and wearing an Enslaved t-shirt:kickass:)
first offer will probably take it

See you at the rest of the shows!:rock:Unfortunate circumstances prevent me from going to the Thursday show :erk:
I know this will be a great show, but unfortunately I can't go.... I hope to find someone who will appreciate these as much as I would have.

I'm asking $130 each 2-day ticket which doesn't quite cover my costs... but is close enough. Please call or email. Thanks.

Still have my weekend pass for sale. One Friday ticket and one Saturday ticket, discounting the price to $100 for both. Call (413) 256-1267 or e-mail to make arrangements for the transfer. ASAP so I can get you the tickets on time.
Hey all,

I need one ticket for the ProgPower USA Friday / Saturday show.

I am going to Hellish Rock and have my ticket for that, but also desire to witness the wonders of 12 more bands.

Please contact me if you have a ticket for sale.

Or call me at 954-520-1176 between 8 am and 1 am :D

Hi friends,

I STILL have a spare pair of regular tickets. I am asking for less than the total of face value plus convenience charge! The pair is going for $110 which is what I paid for them. THIS IS A DEAL, PEOPLE!! Payment will be taken in money order only. Please reply to me in a PM if interested. I have it set so I get an e-mail alert and will respond to you.

Thank you in advance