Till Fjälls t-shirt



I got a print in purple on my TF shirt, is this like the new edition, and is it still posible to get a blue print anywhere?
Yeah, I ordered the TF shirt from Napalm Records over 6 months ago and got a pink/purple printed shirt that looked nothing like the album cover. I was very disappointed to say the least, but luckily Napalm were nice enough to exchange it for 2 CDs. The shipping outside the US wasn't too cheap, which is why I try to get everything inside the US. Sometimes it can be difficult, but The End makes things much easier for me. :)

I'd be curious to know if they'll be reprinting it without any problems, as I'd like to get one (preferrably long-sleeve).
I remember reading somewhere that the shirt they got was pink, so I never bothered to order one. I wonder why there is no Odemarkens Son shirt, atleast that I have seen?
I also got my shirt from Napalm some time ago. And yes, it was purple. I asked via e-mail and the staff said that all their stock was like this.
Originally posted by Draugen
spaffe: I totally agree with you on that. Nowadays I always wear it under my jacket, so only the front shows ;)

hehe :)
yes that's perhaps a sollution but i don't wanna buy a shirt if i'll have to cover the back all the time. perhaps you could get one of those incredibly cool and always good looking back-patches to cover it with ;)
ah ok, i would also order one if the back-text wasn't "för kung och fosterland" (~for king and country)
i hate the king and our monarchy

Heh I have a friend with a very terrible nazi-paranioa.He wanted to order the shirt,but I told him that the sunwheel on the back looked swasticka-like.So he choose another one (the solar spirits thing...) :lol: