Till Fjalls


Jul 12, 2001
Till Fjalls, Please inform me about mixing of the forest of october,
Even if you wont mix it, please say so, then I wont have to wait anymore and I'll try to do it myself, video has been ready and waiting for the audio for almost a week.


PS: If anyone else might want to help about this, please let me know !
Hey man, very sorry. I've been having some minor problems (IE, computer hacked, not usable) and I've had to use a friends computer lately. I know I'm a bastard for not getting back in email, sorry about that dude. I am going to work on the audio tonight, and I will do what i can for it right this moment. I'll let you know tomorrow or tonight how it turns out, and send it to you.

Sorry again!:cry:
Let me know if you'll need the other audio source taking reference from demon of the fall audio sources, Im talking about the audio source thats abit worse quality than the other.
I'd like to know which show is that you have all this material from?

Thank you for keeping the metal spirit alive, and sharing your stuff with others. Something big in the same fashion will be out shortly!