Time for a new guitar?


Witching Metal!!!
May 14, 2004
Wellington - New Zealand
I've been playing guitar for about 6\7 months now... the electric guitar I have now is an Ibanez GSZ120:


I also own an Ashton steel string D26 that I got around christmas time so I could play all my faveourite Opeth\Pink Floyd stuff but I wont be getting rid of this so it doesnt matter.

So yeah, my electric has been nice, it was my first guitar that I learnt on and all... but... I think its shit - I recently have had goes on some jacksons and an BC rich nj series warlock and fuck they were nice to play, and very easy to play, and then I recently tried a higher range ibanez RG series guitar, that was extreemly nice cause I guess im used to the ibanez frets and all that jazz... anyway. the thing with these guitars is that.. yeah it sounded BLOODY nice, it was easy to play some things, but I could not play anything quick\tricky on them or do things like triplets or fast palm muting type riffs. so:

Today I went into a music shop and saw a guitar that I got suggested to try out, it looks badass as and I noticed it was the same guitar that KK Warslut from Deströyer 666 uses (for any of yous familar with them out there), it was a Ibanez Destroyer.

Had a go, pretty much the best guitar I've ever played so far. I could play at my absolute best ever on it, even with not much warmup, I just jammed seek and destroy in the shop and I was playing it perfectly, I cant on my own guitar for some reason. Also playing fast tremolo (double and single string) riffs were insanely awesome sounding and very consistent, I cant do that on my guitar o_O, and even playing some solo type riffs, the bending feels alot different than my guitar, on my guitar if I do a bend it feels like its grinding against the frets and feels very chunky, kinda hard to explain but it does NOT sound good atall along with this. even with a pedal it doesnt sound that great.

The guitar I have now, the ibanez gsz120 I got brand new, 6 months or so ago obviously, so I'm wanting to sell this, and pretty much everything I can to get the money to get this Destroyer, its $800 and is brand new.

Heres a pic of it:


and heres some pics of an older version of it but pretty much looks the same (that pic above isnt exact, the body\shape looks more like in the links to follow, but has the same headstock\fret inlays as the above one)


So now what I'm asking, should I do it? I mean hell I was going to put it on HP right there and then, this guitar is so fucking nice, it played good, it sounded great... fuck I really want this guitar eh heh.

but yeah, is it worth it? anyone know what I could do first? I dont have any saved up money or anything but so its kinda hard, no doubt I will be working my arse off for the next few weeks and look for a higher paying job. As the guitar I have now is affecting my learning, I really dont feel confident with it and I cant play all that well on it anymore.


(all those prices are in NZ dollars btw, so you might want to xe.com them to your currency)
destroyers are really cool. the pre-lawsuit versions are even cooler though imo (early 80's versions, before they got sued by gibson for copying the explorer shape -- iron maiden used them around "killers")

i'd say go for it -- if it inspires you to play better & more then great, that's pretty priceless. plus it's (in my opinion) the most awesome looking guitar ever made
well as for your crappy sound wit hyour current guitar, it might jsut be your amp. I have an RG 1570 and a marshall MG10CD, trust me, amp makes a BIG difference!

If its not the amp then i would agree with Erik that if it inspires and helps you to play better, go for it!