Time for me to give back to the forum!


Sep 14, 2008
Here are samples of a 6"x14" maple Orange County snare I tracked today. I've included GOG files as well. The heads were kinda dead and a bitch to get in tune :(

Not the best sounding snare ever, but I really dig it in a mix. I have two versions, one that's totally dry, and one that has a touch of verb on it. I did the because by the time I was able to get samples of the snare, the room and overhead mics were torn down. The snare was miced with a 57 and SM7b on top and a 421 and 414 on the bottom. The pre was a Neve Portico 5012 with a bit of EQ and compression after the fact to get rid of a bit of boxiness.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3463841/Orange County Snare.rar

And here's a sample of it in a mix (just drums). No EQ on the snare (other than what I did to the samples themselves) and just a touch of compression.


Hope you guys can get some use out of this!
I dig the pop that it has. Will definitely be trying this in a mix!

Sounds pretty similar to another snare of mine... I see blending in my future
Glad you guys dig it. I think I might grab some new heads for it (it's the studio's house snare) and re-sample it in the future, maybe with some different tunings, sticks and wires. I have a kick from the kit as well. Again, it doesn't sound awesome on it's own, but it's pretty nice in a mix for more rocky-type music.