Full kit samples


Sep 14, 2008
If there's any interest in these, I'll post the wavs and .tci files.

I'm currently editing drums for a band (can't name who, first label gig) and these were recorded in one of the top studios in Chicago (can't name where just yet). I asked the band and engineer to take samples of the kit for editing purposes, and this is the result.

I have 4 toms, kick and snare (tuned high and low).

These are all multi-sampled, but only 1 real velocity layer. The snare was divided up between hard and crack hits.

Kicks have a mix of the 3 mics (in, out and subkick), and the individual mics.

There are rooms samples for every hit in the collection.

I've posted samples of the kick, snare and one tom.

If you all want em, I'll post them.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3463841/MID TOM 1.wav

Note, the drums were EQ'd to tape through an old Neve board. No idea what model.
I'd have to get the info on the kit itself, but I can give some basics.

The snare was a Lars Ulrich Bell Brass miced with a 57Beta on top and a 57 on the bottom.

Toms were miced with an ATM25 on top and a SM57 on the bottom. These were blended to individual tom channels.

Kick was a Beta52a inside, a D6 outside (I believe, I could be wrong) and a Yamaha Subkick on the skin.

The main overheads were Blue Bluebottles, but I'm unsure what capsules were used. There were overheads in an x-y behind the kit over the drummer's head, but I'm unsure what they were.

Close room was a pair of TLM170's, far room was an AKG C24.

All of this was run through a Neve board (pres, EQ and comp)

I can't take credit on how awesome these drums sound, I didn't engineer the drum sessions. But, hopefully I will have a few productions in that studio again where I am engineer, and I plan on taking full samples with multiple velocities at that point.
just a newbie question, you will have to excuse me :). i know many here have superior drummer, or slate drum's.
Do you still find yourself using those samples posted here? because if you own a sampler with different kick drums with tons of velocity layers, why would you like to use something other then that?
just a newbie question, you will have to excuse me :). i know many here have superior drummer, or slate drum's.
Do you still find yourself using those samples posted here? because if you own a sampler with different kick drums with tons of velocity layers, why would you like to use something other then that?

Just another tone in the palete. You can never know when could come in handy.

In the other hand, the samples that Jordon posted here sound great so, why dont just keep them? :)
Thanks guys, gonna get the WAV's posted tonight. On day 3 of marathon drum editing!!

As far as samples go, I use free stuff or samples I've made more than Slate, but every once in a while, a Slate sample is the absolute best sample to augment a kick or snare.