Time for some poetry

The Poetry Thread!!! Me and Joe wanted to start it... (I'm sad cause he's not here anymore...:cry: )
I'll post something I wrote as soon as I gain the courage... Till then this is one of the most beautiful poems that I've ever read, by Amy Lowell.

After Hearing a Waltz by Bartok

But why did I kill him? Why? Why?
In the small, gilded room, near the stair?
My ears rack and throb with his cry,
And his eyes goggle under his hair,
As my fingers sink into the fair
White skin of his throat. It was I!
I killed him! My God! Don't you hear?
I shook him until his red tongue
Hung flapping out through the black, queer,
Swollen lines of his lips. And I clung
With my nails drawing blood, while I flung
The loose, heavy body in fear.
Fear lest he should still not be dead.
I was drunk with the lust of his life.
The blood-drops oozed slow from his head
And dabbled a chair. And our strife
Lasted one reeling second, his knife
Lay and winked in the lights overhead.
And the waltz from the ballroom I heard,
When I called him a low, sneaking cur.
And the wail of the violins stirred
My brute anger with visions of her.
As I throttled his windpipe, the purr
Of his breath with the waltz became blurred.
I have ridden ten miles through the dark,
With that music, an infernal din,
Pounding rhythmic inside me. Just Hark!
One! Two! Three! And my fingers sink in
To his flesh when the violins, thin
And straining with passion, grow stark.
One! Two! Three! Oh, the horror of sound!
While she danced I was crushing his throat.
He had tasted the joy of her, wound
Round her body, and I heard him gloat
On the favour. That instant I smote.
One! Two! Three! How the dancers swirl round!
He is here in the room, in my arm,
His limp body hangs on the spin
Of the waltz we are dancing, a swarm
Of blood-drops is hemming us in!
Round and round! One! Two! Three! And his sin
Is red like his tongue lolling warm.
One! Two! Three! And the drums are his knell.
He is heavy, his feet beat the floor
As I drag him about in the swell
Of the waltz. With a menacing roar,
The trumpets crash in through the door.
One! Two! Three! clangs his funeral bell.
One! Two! Three! In the chaos of space
Rolls the earth to the hideous glee
Of death! And so cramped is this place,
I stifle and pant. One! Two! Three!
Round and round! God! 'Tis he throttles me!
He has covered my mouth with his face!
And his blood has dripped into my heart!
And my heart beats and labours. One! Two!
Three! His dead limbs have coiled every part
Of my body in tentacles. Through
My ears the waltz jangles. Like glue
His dead body holds me athwart.
One! Two! Three! Give me air! Oh! My God!
One! Two! Three! I am drowning in slime!
One! Two! Three! And his corpse, like a clod,
Beats me into a jelly! The chime,
One! Two! Three! And his dead legs keep time.
Air! Give me air! Air! My God!
Time taking time. It's taken mine
Scenes of my life seem so unkind
Time chasing time. It creeps up behind
I can't run forever and time waits for no one
Not even me.
Ingraine: that seems written by someone slightly insane

She's one of the greatest american poets, and yeah, she was slightly insane... She was actually very depressed cause she wanted to be an actress, but she was ugly and overweight, so she started writing in order to do the readings...
I love what she wrote, she's magnificent. :D
and what is her name? I want to read more from her

Amy Lowell. She was part of the Imagism group, with Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot. She went back to the U.s. and she had a fight with Pound cause he accused her of spoiling the movement, in fact he said that Amy's poetry should be called AMYgism and not Imagism.:lol:
If you wanna read more of her just pm me your e-mail and I'll send you some more.
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow.
And every where that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.
Now Mary found the price of meat too high,
Which really didn't please her.
Tonight she is having the leg of lamb,
The rest is in the freezer.

Ok heres something serious:

The only poems i can find, are unwritten in my mind
The ones i wrote are gone, that fucking computer won't turn on
They were about a girl, her name was Ann Marie
My life felt so complete, until she said she didn't love me
This guy she met had coke and meph, and she wanted what was left
Her mom called and asked where she was, that she's been gone for days
I told her I'm sorry i didn't know, but her boyfriend had some things to say
Friends were there to help me, kept me safe from the rain and thunder
Still i dwelt upon those final words, she buried my spirit under
My days were filled with heartbreak, I was left with all life's upsets
Until i heard the news, that they were in jail in Massachusetts :lol:

True story, i just came up with that 'poem' right off the spot because i used to have a vast collection of original poetry that disappeared.
Je suis Kayos en tabarnack ?

Je - I

suis - am

Kayos - well... Kayos

en - In

Tabarnack - Swearing... I am Kayos In "tabarnack".

To be in Tabarnack would be like: I'am a REALY FUCKING MAD!

It doesn't make any sens...
That's what I thought.
I found out that tabarnack was basically eqiuvalent to fuck and tried to make sense of it. It was positive reputation so I guess I should say thank you to whoever gave it to me.
Internet translations are never the way to go.
And neither are GCSE's for languages either. I would have learned French otherwise.
Sorry if I caused any trouble for you with changing my profile.