Time No More Guitar Pro Tab


Jul 3, 2010
Glasgow, Scotland
Currently working on it.

Ol if you read this, are you human? These are just the strangest riffs...ever. In a good way of course. Where the hell did you learn to write like this? :lol:

I'm at the halfway point in this song now, where it gets difficult... :bah:
Seeing this topic made me wanna listen to this song. :lol:

Good luck with the tab though. Doing the whole album would make ALOT of people happy. :D
the WHOLE ALBUM? I dunno man, that'd take a loooooong time - and there's no chance of 100% accuracy. For one thing I suck at making out bass guitar notes unless they stand out from the guitars. Another problem is that Ol (I dunno why I always assume Ol is the main writer, poor Matt!) just writes the strangest little things into riffs. I'm actually doing this mostly to "study" how he writes. Brilliant riffs, man. Subtle little touches all over this album - amazing, but an absolute bastard for me to pick out by ear :D

Anyway, just starting the solo on this. I bet most of the riffs are wrong though...they don't sound FAR off.
i didn't ask you too actually tab the whole album, it just fits nice in the lyrics :D
but you seem like the only guy here who has the time, patience and talent to tab it.
i give up pretty quick. i did the intro for now demolition but when i got to 0:51 i gave up, maybe too quick...
it's just so frustrating that those riffs are so cool but it takes to much time to figure it out. mainly because of those weird riffs, like you said
Right guys, here's a "first draft" I suppose. I'm basically just tired of it today so I'll pick it up tomorrow. Keep in mind I am NOWHERE finished...so yes there are a lot of wrong notes from the get-go, I'm working on it okay?! ^_^
A lot of the solo is done but there are a couple bits I'm not finished with, and I'll spend a while tomorrow double checking each note - as I say, I KNOW there are wrong bits but I can't be fucked tonight ;)
All that's missing is the outro after the last chorus.

http://www.mediafire.com/file/8c3ixzf1p361kwd/Time No More.gp5
We gotz gurlz and metulz so FUCK YEAH!:kickass:

also a fuckload of mainstream shit. Not to mention "the-genre-that-should-never-be-named-on-a-metal-forum"
It's not even metal... It's just disgusting... Every single fucking song sounds pretty much exactly the same. And pretty much all of the bands have swedish 50+ male double-names often ending with a z. It's probably the most uninventive genre on earth.
Totally agree. Absolutely everything you said is true. And it may be uninventive and shit and all you want, but I could let that go if it was actually fun to listen to, but it isn't. It's fucking annoying.
You know what it is!?:OMG:
Also, the only reason it's popular is cuz it's fucking catchy as hell! Mostly cuz every single song uses the same fucking catchy song structure and style
I like folk metal :( Korpiklaani and Finntroll!? How can you not enjoy them? Anyway, I don't want to derail this thread, so I guess I'll be on my way...