time travel

If time travel is possible, then why arent we shaking hands with some guys from the 1 billionth century right now? By then we must be able to go jumping back and forth just by thinking about it.

Then again, maybe the world all comes to an end before we achieve commercial time travel :)
"poeple can "age" at vastly different rates depending on their stations"

thats the shit im trying to talk about right there...... its not necesarilly time travel... but whatever object is sent at the speed of light + possibly enters a state where it cant be seen(like another dimension) but maybe travels for days and comes back maybe 2 minutes later.... therefore its 2 days older..... but yet only within 2 minutes....

I don't know much about this and don't want to sound like a retard becuase i don't know how to explain alot of the shit i have up in my head becuase its so goddam confusing.... somebody fill me in on the shit with space... and aging faster and all that shit......
"If time travel is possible, then why arent we shaking hands with some guys from the 1 billionth century right now? "

ok lets say im totally wrong and it is possible.... it would be almost completely impossible for someone to go back in time and change something.... first of all because that would stop the event from happening in the future.... and if that happened... then the time travel to go back and fix it would never have taken place... so it totally cancels out
Originally posted by Mikael is God
ok lets say im totally wrong and it is possible.... it would be almost completely impossible for someone to go back in time and change something.... first of all because that would stop the event from happening in the future.... and if that happened... then the time travel to go back and fix it would never have taken place... so it totally cancels out

There's also the theory that going back and "changing" something doesn't change the "time path" we're on, but creates a new one instead. A new demention of sorts. Things will only be changed in the alternate demention, while ours stays the same, in which case, it ultimately means that no matter what, you can't change the past, only the future.
Originally posted by MountainDweller
Einstein also believed in life after death (a soul of sorts), which seems to be something you don't believe in, if I remember your rants correctly.

Yes you do remember quite correctly, I can't see how anyone could forget actually, hehhehe.

However, by saying this you are making an assumption I don't agree with, that is, that one really has anything to do with the other. I don't at all think they do. I am aware of the contradiction here and I don't have any desire or need to resolve it. Contradictions don't bother me at all, to me existence itself is a contradition. Also, I am aware of einstein's reasons for believing in god (and as far as I know he never actually said a 'christian' human-like god like the one I actively dismiss as barbaric mythology cuz I would remember that for sure if I heard that), and he said "a god", he never talked about sin or hell or anything like that. In *that* sense of the word "god", I don't necessarily think he's wrong. I just think it's improbable but that's just my opinion. Thing is he wasn't known for his religious teachings and his physics has much more substantial evidence behind it.

Wow, I never know what kinda stuff will come out here, it's pretty cool! :) cheers..

I think I need to clarify the conversation here as I feel ideas are getting crossed.

By backward time travel I personally don't at all mean humans going back visiting themselves, indeed I doubt if human flesh (cuz it exists as part of this time and this space) could actually travel back in time ever.

However, the physics that governs human flesh is not the same physics that governs elementary particles. Therefore, analogies about humans going back in time does not at all apply to (what I think) is the real question about time travel. One is newtonian, the other einsteinian, there is quite simply NO comparison. Therefore I think the conversation should denote what it is talking about. When I read things about people going back in time I feel like this point is being missed and to me it's like saying "oranges can't fly cuz bears do not necessarily shit in the woods". Does it exist? I've read a lot of crap that suggests that it does, and I realize that everything is inherently biased.. yadayada, but it makes sense to me anyway.

Things go forward in time easily enough (which is actually just their own time slowed but it still happens and even humans can go ahead a bit by the same principle. So time isn't constant. Time also can stop in a singularity (a very accepted idea). Other crap I've read suggests that time (the 4th dimension) is very much the same as the other 3 but it is just expressed differently, having a 4th spacial dimension (as has been theorized here) I find a bit far fetched cuz how could it be percieved? The universe is the way it is, we exist in 3 dimensions and time and we humans are evolved to have the experience of 3 dimensions and time, not 4 spacial dimensions and time. I'm not saying it's impossible, I just find it unlikely that it would be perceived as another spacial dimension, we aren't even wired that way to think like that. I think the way dune put is was the best way of looking at it, we exist in these four dimensions and time is defined as motion through space, I feel that it is kind of like a spacial dimension and that time is just how we preceive this other dimension. How else could we see it? I don't know, but if there were four spacial dimensions I'm sure we would've evolved much differently than we did. The real reason why I think there isn't 4 spacial dimensions is cuz if it did exist then it would likely exist *everywhere* in the universe and we would have some hints that it's out there (I'm just speculating). Anyway, I'm babbling incoherently, haha.

So anyway what I meant to say is that there are 2 directions in the other 3 dimensions and I think it's totally possible and very likely that there are 2 directions in time as well, and it would also explain somethings, but I realize this is not actually proof, but no one has proof of anything in the deepest sense so I guess it's not too important when it comes to internet psycho babble.. hehe

Anyway, my point is: whether or not humans will be ever able to travel back (or even forward great distances) in time has very little to do with whether or not time travel is possible for elementary particles. Also, it's relative, if you were an anti-particle traveling backward in time from your point of view it would (could) be forward. I'm whacked in that I think everything has an inverse to which it owes it's very definition. I feel that if there were no up there'd be no down, no light without dark, no time without anti-time. After all, if there were no anti-time, what canvas would the painting of time be painted on? Imo, duality exists in everything cuz of that whole thing about the beginning of the universe and how energy kept dividing and dividing, I dunno, makes sense to me, hehe. Anyway, great topic and great board..

Yippi yi yaaa cal-patty,

Originally posted by Mikael is God
oh yes i can comprehend it very well.... i can clearly understand the concept of time that everyone believes in...... its not a very hard concept at all.... but please explain to me this scientific evidence... what kind of experiments did they do to prove all that? -- also... im sure if you ask the smartest philosophers out there and they'll agree -- educated or not educated - EVERY opinion applies

Indeed it does, I was just being a stupid prick, hehheh:) cheers,
