21.02.2004 / Author: WebmasterStratovarius Rating: 3.82 / 5 points (34 votes) Viewed: 25873 times
Today I received a phonecall from Timo Tolkki.
He sounded like being in a very confused state of mind and was talking about red Kabbalah ribbons and how when he was reading Madonna´s biography he felt warm waves all over his body and that the spirit of Jesus entered him and that now he really has found something he has been searching for all his life.
I am very worried about him, he sounded like completely crazy.
From this day onwards I will not take the responsibility of whatever is being released on this Website.
As long as my paycheck arrives, I will continue putting on the site whatever Tolkki asks me to put there.
But there is nothing I can do about it.
I just work here.

21.02.2004 / Author: WebmasterStratovarius Rating: 3.82 / 5 points (34 votes) Viewed: 25873 times
Today I received a phonecall from Timo Tolkki.
He sounded like being in a very confused state of mind and was talking about red Kabbalah ribbons and how when he was reading Madonna´s biography he felt warm waves all over his body and that the spirit of Jesus entered him and that now he really has found something he has been searching for all his life.
I am very worried about him, he sounded like completely crazy.
From this day onwards I will not take the responsibility of whatever is being released on this Website.
As long as my paycheck arrives, I will continue putting on the site whatever Tolkki asks me to put there.
But there is nothing I can do about it.
I just work here.