timo tolkki: we eat metal and shit chains!


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
I am in the process of talking seriously with each band member about the future of Stratovarius.

There are lots of rumours circling around and this statement is issued to clear some of those.

The band is in a severe crisis at the moment.

Looking back now, it is very clear to me why the situation has catapulted into crisis.

I have my own way to lead Stratovarius and since being in this band since 84 (almost 20 years) I have had a very clear vision about the musical direction of Strato. To put it short and simple, this is my band.
I decide what Stratovarius sounds like. Stylists might decide how Stratovarius looks like. I don´t give a fuck about that though, I love music and we are not some fucking Backstreet Boys. We eat metal and shit chains.

Before some of you start shouting "dictator", I would like to tell you that we have always shared the income from the band equally. Everyone gets the same from all income. I can tell you many bands when it´s not like this.

Up until very last weeks I though things were fine, there have been arguments, but nothing fancy. At this point I feel that my vision of where to take Stratovarius next is threatened. Along with many other things, which I cannot tell you due to legal reasons. Let me just say this: when the things get so heated that some people in the band enter into fistfight, then something is wrong, wouldn´t you agree?

I am talking with Kotipelto and Kainulainen here in Finland at the moment and next week I fly to New York to talk to Johansson. Then I fly to Germany to talk to Michael. And then I have to think.

So you guys have to wait for some more time for some more news.

At this point it seems 95% sure that 3 bandmembers have to leave. I really hope I can work things out with them, but if not, then they will have to go.

And to those who say I should leave Stratovarius I say, hmmm well, perhaps it´s better that I don´t say anything, so I just say Fuck Off! I am not leaving anywhere, we just signed this new deal and I am going to continue writing new songs and there will be more albums, no matter what the line up
will be.

Stay tuned for more...
lizard said:
I've got a couple as well. I also made the horrible, brutal mistake of buying Tolki's solo album.
that album has a legendary status in terms of all things horrible and appauling and I have yet to hear it!!!

I'll borrow it from someone this week.
i like episode alot.

i actually e-mailed back and forth with timo kotipelto for a while back in 1997-98. he is a nice fellow.

actually when i practice by myself at our rehearsal space i almost always use timo tolkki's neoclassical lick from "Stratosphere" to warm up with. its actually a great exercise for doing legato hammer-ons and pull-offs that i also used to use in worksheets for my students!
new statement:

Statement: Timo Tolkki in New York
27.11.2003 / Author: WebmasterStratovarius
Rating: 2.42 / 5 points (19 votes)
Viewed: 13397 times

Unfortunately my trip was delayed for one day because I had to travel to Orimattila and Lahti.

I am writing this in my beautiful suite in New York after trying to talk some sense to Johansson. Next I will be going to talk to Michael.

Many thanks for all those who supported me in these heavy times. Through tough times you find out who your real friends are.

For those who have been attacking me I only want to say one thing: FUCK OFF!

And I repeat it one more time that it becomes clear: FUCK OFF!!! Thanks for showing me the way idiots!!
Tolki sounds like he's cracking up!

Statement: Timo Tolkki apologizes
01.12.2003 / Author: WebmasterStratovarius Rating: 3.52 / 5 points (29 votes) Viewed: 27012 times

After speaking with all the band members I am now travelling to Berlin to talk with the Sanctuary team about the future of Stratovarius.

At this point I cannot say more about the situation. I am very sorry if my statements have offended someone. I have been under heavy pressure lately and my therapist has prescribed me some heavy antidepressants. They make it even more difficult for me to control my temper.

I have received death threats, which has forced me to hire 2 bodyguards. They are both former military people with martial arts training. This is sad really, but what can you do?

Anyway, I apologize once more if I have offended anyone with my comments. I hope you understand what kind of pressure we all are living in at the moment.

I would like to say that things are not always what they seem. The music world can be very frustrating, largely due to legal and business matters. I hope I can tell you some news after returning from Berlin. « Back