Timo Tolkki's new project "SYMFONIA"

Yea, I've been following the blogs and forum posts and Timo said there's a title track, around 11 minutes long or something. And I think it has a bass solo. :lol:
That album cover reminds me of his Saana crap :lol:, but the song titles sound cool, a mixture of both Strato and RR.

Nice to see this train is moving along, we'll see where it stops though.
The album art at first was just, "BLOOOOM! MORE BLOOOMM!!!" but it's very pretty actually. Epic. Definitely excited about this, have to look into those demos.
Just as you guys I am expecting a lot out of this. Usually that means it can only result in dissapointment :)
I really hope it is gonna kick ass ! And the cover is just awesome. A real Strato album colouring setting and the logo is a wink to Stratovarius as well.

Tolkki might be a depressive fuck that is hard to deal with, but he also set a big standard for a lot of musicians and fans.\
I myself plan to listen to the album, not to Timo Tolkki :)
From Tolkki's Facebook just a few seconds ago:

"Tomorrow at www.radiorock.fi from 20.00 starts a program hosted by Klaus Flaming. He will play the whole title track "In Paradisum" in his program plus an interview of me and Andre."
Yea. Took me a minute to find it, but for others who plan on checking this out, I do believe the link to listen live is right next to 'kuuntele' around the top center of the page.

EDIT: Also! I just saw the news that Uli has to miss the debut live performance of Symfonia due to nerve damage :erk: Not good!

I'm kinda ambivalent towards hearing the title track this early on, though. I mean, I could hardly contain myself with the PQ YouTube teasers, so I know I'll probably go on listening to it anyways, but it would be cool to save it too, for April when we'll be able to hear the album in full.
Yea, I really wonder why they're playing the whole title track. It's supposed to be the centerpiece of the album, like 12 minutes or something.

Interesting tracklist if that's true. Sounds like a combination of classic power metal titles and Revolution Renaissance project stuff... but I'll wait for an official announcement for confirmation. Sounds weird to have your grand song in the middle of the rest.
Some of samples I got round to listening to are marvellous. Vocals very impressibe, keys solos delicious. It's like TT has tapped into the Strato mindset he should have never strayed from. Sounds like this project is a way to reclaim some of that past formula which worked so well...regrets leaving maybe? Just a relief it isn't RR all over again. So glad the supergroup is gelling together well. Really looking forward to hearing all of Come By The Hills :rock:
Share the wealth, Dom, you tease!

EDIT: Found the link from Dom's Facebook, actually :lol:
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Hmm... Well I didn't know what to expect from this new project by Timo but the sample was GREAT :D. I actually want to hear more now.