Timothy Leary

Originally posted by DracWell
Just got The Politics of Ecstasy...

It looks wacky! =D

Goind to be a long night with the book and nevermore. ;) especially the politics of ecsatsy (the album)
Well, enjoy it!! :grin: Could I borrow it from you after you finished reading? :lol:
bah!!! I think you should have read "Start Your Own Religion" before Politics.. it might have helped you to understand Learys spiritual concepts moreso beforehand..

You should read Ram Dass =)
his former name was Richard Alpert, he was Leary's friend, and assistant during experiments. He later became a spiritual leader/awakener for many
Originally posted by ClearLight
bah!!! I think you should have read "Start Your Own Religion" before Politics.. it might have helped you to understand Learys spiritual concepts moreso beforehand..

You should read Ram Dass =)
his former name was Richard Alpert, he was Leary's friend, and assistant during experiments. He later became a spiritual leader/awakener for many

Oh. never thought about that. But I have read some about Leary and his beliefs... so I'm not completly off ground. but a bit though ;)

I just opened the thing. And after reading the "table of contents" I already know I'll like it =)
Except my ancestors, starting for the ape.

Arte you writing down mental notes, I have just started to warm up.
Wow. I've read 1 damn foreword, 2 prologues adn 2 chapters... I love it! one crazy thing.

Leary lived from 1920 to 1996 right? In the end of his prologue he writes

"Timothy Leary
From The Other Side

what's that?! did he leave a letter or something that shouldn't be opened until 1998?
'From the other-side'

In 1998 he was dead, right?

makes sense?
He probably gathered that he would be dead by 1998.
Have you found anything else out yet DracWell? I couldn't find anything on the site, it was all history and stuff, but no dates...! :confused: