Tips and trix on composing ?

Part of the problem I guess is I never think of things in terms of any formula based vision. It just starts as a riff, which turns into this riff and then this change happens and then.. wait.. where the fuck is this going???? there's no destination to begin with.. perhaps that's what I should try. Having more of a preconceived structure to begin with.

AAAANNNNDDD I believe I'm just thinking out loud now. Laterz.

Yeah... one thing that really helps me is that i have a shitty job during the day... i can A: walk around like a zombie/braindead and do my work that way... or B: try and arrange a complete song in my head during work... today it really worked out for me!

so what im trying to say is.. get a shitty job, think your songs through during this shitty job and make money at the same time. :p
I have a serious problem ever being satisfied with a song being done. Riffs are never a problem.. cool sections of different riffs and interesting things aren't a problem, but when it comes to the whole song being -done- -perfect- -the way it's meant to be- .. I just don't know.

It's like, it could go like this and that's cool, but then it could also go like this or repeat this etc.. that's cool too! What about both... how can it do both? how can it be everything it can be? ..but not turn into a mess...
how long should it be?

I usually find my problem to be the opposite; If you listen to something like Slayers Reign in Blood and you take Angel of Death and the rain from Raining Blood off the count, it has has average lenght of ~2:30 per song. It doesn't matter how long the song can be because long songs are usually cool, but I always think how short you can make it to still have enough meat on the bones and not just being a "good start".
A must-have! :lol:
