Tips for recording bass with a sansamp PSA-1

Jan 30, 2008
Hi, noticed there was a lot of guys here using sansamp products to record bass guitar, I own a PSA-1 for a long time (main guitar gear since 2002) and I wanted to know how would you setup your gear to record bass with it.

DI ?
Impulses at the end ?
Mics in front of the speakers ? (as I own guitar gears, I've got a homemade 2*12 cabinet loaded with two Electrovoice EVM 12L)
Combined DI and micked tracks ?

Thanks !
Haha, that's respectable.

Anyway, now that I own one of these things I can reply...

The more I use it on bass the less I like it to be honest. It takes way too much post processing to sound good, and is inherently very 'buzzy'. Your raw DI has to be really good in order for it to add something good, which to me defeats the point, since I"m dealing with all types of shit. It's very rare I will get an 'acceptable' bass DI to start with. I've started using cab sims with it in order to dull down some of the abrasive highs and high mids, but have yet to see how well that will work.

I much prefer running the bass through guitar amps and mic'ing them up for grit. Sounds gentler, grinds more and fits better with the guitars.
Yes, this buzzy sound is not really easy to deal with at first.

For now, I prefer tracking bass direct to mixer with Ampeg SVX, but will try to mic it through my guitar rig later.