Tips for running a backing track/ click live


Apr 6, 2010
Hey, my band is starting to get around backing tracks for a live show.
I have already went through and made the tracks and what i did was put on the left side i have the click and track and the right side i have just the track.
What i want to happen is for my drummer to listen to the click and track through headphones, and at the same time, only the track is playing through FOH and the floor monitors. All in sync with what the drummer hears.

I want to know what the best way to go about routing it and would be. ect...
(my drummer is planning on running the tracks off a laptop)

Thanks a lot!
ok, so i got it set up like a lot have suggested. But for some reason when i play just the right side of it (the side thats supposed to have just the BT) it has a faint bit of the click with it too. Any ideas on what could be the issue?
Mebbe theres a bit of bleed or crosstalk between the left and right channels of the playback system?

Is any of the backing track creeping into the click as well? if not, mebbe switch which channels the click and backing tracks are on. I'm sure it wouldnt be a problem if your drummer got a bit of backing tracks in his click mix.