Tips To Sing Like Alexi


Dec 6, 2005
Nova Scotia
I have been tryin to get my voice like alexi's (from bodom as you all know :) ) for weeks now and i just cant get my voice to go high enough to sound like him, i think he's got the best metal voice of all time. i dont like the grunt much, so im leaning towards just good ole' screaming the shit lights from myself. So does anybody have any tips on singing like alexi?
Best metal voice of all time?

Go and investigate: Bruce Dickinson, Matt Barlow, James Hetfield, Warrel Dane, Tim Owens, Timo Kotipelto...thats all i can think of now.

Tips would be to sing like yourself and be your own vocalist, ripping off other vocalists will just get folks wanting to kick you ass.


Smoke tons of cigarettes, drink tons of Jack Daniels and NEVER take vocal lessons or take care of your vocal cords.

Only then will you be able to sing as bad as Alexi.

(On a side note, I think Alexi has one of the worst vocals in the world. It is so horrid. Something Wild is the best because it suits the raw/beginning style they had.)
And the most obvious tip of all to sing like Alexi... actually being Alexi kinda helps. :rolleyes: It's cool to be influenced by whoever, but trying to sound exactly like them should be kept for crap Saturday night TV such as Stars in Their Eyes.

edit: And I love the Asmegin vocals. And Tyr vocals. <3
I am a girl and I tried to sing like Alexi (I tried with the song In Your Face) and it was funny.. I recorded myself and my voice sounds like the voice of Angela Gossow (Arch Enemy) :p I dont hurt my throath when I sing with harsh vocals hehe
PanzerKunt said:
Ive always thought the vocals were the most boring part of CoB (except AYDY, its thoroughly boring alltogether). Listen to Illath/Ásmegin, now that's vocals!

Asmegin has put out one of my all time favorite albums can't go wrong with them at all :Spin: Their next album is going to be a double album I heard some where but don't remeber where I heard that :err:
I Dont think he's got the best metal voice of all time i phrased that wrong i think he's got the best screamy voice, i dont like the grunt to much. And i do think bruce dickensons great and james. And i dont acually want to sound like him for my band more like just to know how he does it and when i want to do a cover of him i can just try to sound like him..