Tips using ApTrigga


Crossing The Rubicon
Oct 1, 2008
I already read the manual and i have tried to adjust the parameters but, I just
can't make the thing work right.

I put ApTrigga in the insert of the snare channel, with the sneap snare
samples loaded in, but the only sound i've got is a slow and incoherent
triggered snare.

I know Aptrigga is a no brainer aplication and obviously i'm doing something wrong, so can you help me with some tips??
helps if you gate first, prevents some mis-triggers.
Also- if you've loaded the sneap snaree make sure its been cut up to proper samples without any silence before the hits, I know the sneap snare file I got was 1 long wav that had to be cut up.
Also helps for faster parts that are mis-triggering to zoom in and automate the pre-fx volume pretty severely so that it hits right
I've never found aptrigga to be easier to use than Drumagog for snare tracks - by far.

What I have found strictly through the plug's GUI is to set the EQ sliders on the far left to only pick up the loudest or most isolated part of the drum...I usually try to zone in on what part of the frequency the snare is dominating and isolate that using the sliders. I then set the threshold slider low enough to catch all the hits. For fast rolls and stuff, I usually set the middle dial next to the threshold (can't remember what it's called now) to around 28ms or whatever. It's usually set at 40 by default.

If none of that helps, I usually just resort to drumagog, haha. I use aptrigga for toms and kick pretty much exclusively, though.


yeah, make sure the sample you have of the Sneap snare is cut up into individual hits. The original is a wav with all the hits in it, and you have to cut it up to get all the individual samples.
Also- if you've loaded the sneap snaree make sure its been cut up to proper samples without any silence before the hits, I know the sneap snare file I got was 1 long wav that had to be cut up.


I just got ApTrigga the other day and tested it out with the Fear Factory kick sample and that worked fine, but then used Andy's snare sample and had the same problem you're having due to not realising it was a 22 second long file at first. It needs to be cut down into chunks for it to work correctly.

I tried with individual samples and now works right!

I am a happy guy now XD

I've never found aptrigga to be easier to use than Drumagog for snare tracks - by far.

What I have found strictly through the plug's GUI is to set the EQ sliders on the far left to only pick up the loudest or most isolated part of the drum...I usually try to zone in on what part of the frequency the snare is dominating and isolate that using the sliders. I then set the threshold slider low enough to catch all the hits. For fast rolls and stuff, I usually set the middle dial next to the threshold (can't remember what it's called now) to around 28ms or whatever. It's usually set at 40 by default.

I don't ever have a problem with blasts or anything myself. I find the exact opposite to be true for me.

Happy all-around apTrigga user here, too...

Yeah, AP rocks. It's the only drum replacement I've ever found to actually be sample accurate. If you export the sample track, you can zoom in and actually look at how accurate each plug is. Drumagog seems to always be early or late, and rarely on time. This causes the sample to be in and out of phase with the overheads and room mics, and certain hits will be really weak sounding.

This may not be a problem as much with metal, since you're putting such a HP on the overheads and probably not using rooms nearly as much, but on slower Indie rock, it'll kill you.

Maybe drumagog has that sorted out by now. It's been a long time since I've used it.

Glad you got it sorted out though. I did the exact same thing the first time I was checking out Andy's samples.