

New Metal Member
May 13, 2003
I just heard from Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo that you (Katatonia) had cancelled the concert at John Dee 16.05 because you were tired from the tour. Can this seriously be the reason for the cancellation??!! If so, I think you guys have missed out on a few things about rock. There shouldn't be any contradiction between rock and tiredness whatsoever! There are a lot of tired rockers out there still going strong. If there is another reason for your cancellation, you owe a better explanation to the norwegian fans that have already bouhgt a ticket. Anyway, this is really suspicious considering you haven't cancelled any of the gigs in Sweden 15.05 and 17.05. Shame on Katatonia!!
PellePigg said:
I just heard from Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo that you (Katatonia) had cancelled the concert at John Dee 16.05 because you were tired from the tour. Can this seriously be the reason for the cancellation??!! If so, I think you guys have missed out on a few things about rock. There shouldn't be any contradiction between rock and tiredness whatsoever! There are a lot of tired rockers out there still going strong. If there is another reason for your cancellation, you owe a better explanation to the norwegian fans that have already bouhgt a ticket. Anyway, this is really suspicious considering you haven't cancelled any of the gigs in Sweden 15.05 and 17.05. Shame on Katatonia!!

Have it ever crossed your mind that even rockers can feel sick and tired some time??

Are you never home from work or school when you are sick?
PellePigg said:
There shouldn't be any contradiction between rock and tiredness whatsoever!

:lol: :guh:

There are a lot of tired rockers out there still going strong.

hi. i'm a tired rocker. :wave:

Anyway, this is really suspicious considering you haven't cancelled any of the gigs in Sweden 15.05 and 17.05.

when you're tired, you rest. then you're not as tired as before. that's more or less how it goes in the real world.

Shame on Katatonia!!

:zombie: uh, fanboy.

Pelle does have a point...if you think you can't do that many shows,you book less. I mean,it's shitty to disappoint fans later on by saying that they're tired. Then again,they're just humans too. Shit happens.
He's paid for the ticket so I think that he's entitled to complain too...
Tired ?? :tickled:

hasn't the katatonic band see the Maiden Live Booklets??, almost a complete year touring, almost all days, that's how a band becomes big :)

or can be another reason, who knows?,
shame for the ones that have that cancellations :erk:, maybe next time :)
Blame the people who did a cruddy job in planning the tour if you want someone to blame. They've probably scheduled too few days of rest.
If it's true that the gigs in Sweden are cancelled as well, and the cancellations are due to illness or some other proper reason, it's acceptable and understandable. But then again, the band should let the fans know! I think we are entitled to protest when being told that the gig has been cancelled because the bandmembers are tired. It's like calling your boss telling him/her you can't come to work because you are tired. It's fucking provocative to hear such a ridiculous excuse when you have bought a ticket and are looking forward to the show. Of course touring can be tiring, but you just don't cancel a gig for such a silly reason. They can rest when the tour is over. Anyhow, no matter what the reason for the cancellation might be, Katatonia should make it up to us by visiting Oslo in the near future.....
Hey, if they don't rest, all it takes is one tour to destroy the band. On Faith No MOre's 'the Real Thing' tour (tour solid years supposedly), the band REALLY got to [hate] eachother. Sure it took awhile, but they DID eventually break up and that was a TERRIBLE thing. Am I really blaming their breakup on that tour? No, I guess I'm not, but it's possible I suppose. There really was some really huge hard feelings between some of the members. They booted their guitarist (Jim Martin) from the band right in the middle of a concert!!
I just think the guy who told you that the show was cancelled because of tiredness told you bullshit...I don't think Katatonia would spit on making this gig just because they're tired...Moreover,they probably lose money by cancelling this gig, so this excuse sounds odd to me. I'll wait for an official statement by katatonia guys...
Fantomas better than Faith No More? Holy shit, now this is a prime example of a difference in opinion. I liked their (FNM) last album a lot, but I think Mr. Bungle, California, was better than it.
PellePigg said:
I just heard from Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo that you (Katatonia) had cancelled the concert at John Dee 16.05 because you were tired from the tour. Can this seriously be the reason for the cancellation??!! If so, I think you guys have missed out on a few things about rock. There shouldn't be any contradiction between rock and tiredness whatsoever! There are a lot of tired rockers out there still going strong. If there is another reason for your cancellation, you owe a better explanation to the norwegian fans that have already bouhgt a ticket. Anyway, this is really suspicious considering you haven't cancelled any of the gigs in Sweden 15.05 and 17.05. Shame on Katatonia!!

Shut the hell up katatonia has only been to the states once they are always in europe besides they have the right to do what ever the hell they want. Did you buy tickets for that show if so thats good for you at least have the chance to see them again.
No, I have to disagree with you, oracledeist. Assuming he has his facts straight (I don't believe it personally, but let us assume), then he has every right to bitch. He purchased a ticket to see a show. Then there is no show. He has absolutely every right to bitch UNTIL he gets his money back.

Even still, it's a let down. However, the wrong word is being used here. IT shouldn't be "tiredness", but fatigue, and if it is the case that Katatonia are fatigued, then not only should they not play, but chances are good that they are incapable of playing. Being tired and being fatigued are two very different things.
I saw the guys in Hamburg and they looked really exhausted...moreover they were all sick, it's understandable they wanted to finish the tour as soon as possible. However they did their best and the gig in hamburg, even if a little bit shorter, was still good!
EvilGenius said:
No, I have to disagree with you, oracledeist. Assuming he has his facts straight (I don't believe it personally, but let us assume), then he has every right to bitch. He purchased a ticket to see a show. Then there is no show. He has absolutely every right to bitch UNTIL he gets his money back.

Even still, it's a let down. However, the wrong word is being used here. IT shouldn't be "tiredness", but fatigue, and if it is the case that Katatonia are fatigued, then not only should they not play, but chances are good that they are incapable of playing. Being tired and being fatigued are two very different things.

you have to ask yourself, would you rather wait, and see a different show, or go to a show that wasn't as good as it could have been because the band were too tired to play properly? I'd rather wait...