TMT Metalfest

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Holy crap! What are these guys smoking? Attacker supported Zandelle at a fest in Europe. Raven has not done squat in eons. ANd, I agree with Kaosaur on Magus Beast. Good act, but will they show? Also, I am SHOCKED that Haunted by Angels, who has a HUGE following in Upstate NY, is not even on the bill. Flotsam and Jetsam's best work was in the Newsted era.

Got news for you: I do not know if these guys could draw a crowd at Harveston's Poolside Pub or Don Hill's, never mind getting a spillover from the drag strip. The only good thing about this is that it is free from what I see.

I don't know anything about those local bands, but I agree with everything else said here. None of these bands have big enough names to collectively draw more than 500 people (on a good day)
I am involved with the festival one way or another. personally, i hate over-hyping; i'm all about the music, the local scene, and the freedom to hear new music from all different areas. as far as the 10 - 25,000 people showing up? all i can say is i fucking hope so. that would be amazing. then again, i was at woodstock 99, there was a shitload of people there, and look how that ended up. it doesnt seem to have the same commercial aspect as woodstock, but i can never personally trust a large group of people.

anyway, I checked out some of the (underground) bands playing, some are toasty, others aren't my cup of tea. tmt (total metal television) has listed a lot of the bands playing in their top friends list on myspace, posted videos of some bands, interviews, etc. so if you wanna catch a sneak peak, its worth it. in this age of google, i'm sure you can find their page pretty easily.

i just hope the noise from the dragstrip doesn't interfere with the bands. that would be a huge disappointment, especially driving 3+ hours to the event.

and for the record:
None of these bands have big enough names to collectively draw more than 500 people (on a good day)
completely false. i know of at least 2 that drew well over 500 when they played together at Starland Ballroom in NJ.
completely false. i know of at least 2 that drew well over 500 when they played together at Starland Ballroom in NJ.

The biggest bands on this lineup are Flotsam and Jetsam, Raven, Attacker, Raven, and Deathriders. Every other band on there is local/unsigned/unknown (as far as I can tell). Out of the five big bands I mentioned, Flotsam and Deathriders are the only 2 that are still trying (key word, trying) to keep from fading out into obscurity. None of these bands overall are currently big enough to draw more than 500 people to upstate NY. New York City, Chicago, LA and all the big cities maybe could get 5-700 people max but that's it. If Atheist on their own couldn't draw more than 500 people to major cities, these bands probably can't to smaller cities.
The biggest bands on this lineup are Flotsam and Jetsam, Raven, Attacker, Raven, and Deathriders. Every other band on there is local/unsigned/unknown (as far as I can tell). Out of the five big bands I mentioned, Flotsam and Deathriders are the only 2 that are still trying (key word, trying) to keep from fading out into obscurity. None of these bands overall are currently big enough to draw more than 500 people to upstate NY. New York City, Chicago, LA and all the big cities maybe could get 5-700 people max but that's it. If Atheist on their own couldn't draw more than 500 people to major cities, these bands probably can't to smaller cities.


Perhaps you haven't heard of these bands, but they are fairly good size. Helstar, Metal Mike (some cool shit with Painmuseum!), Chris Caffery (he actually draws decent), and oh that small little metal band Forbidden...

This lineup looks pretty damn good. Great job to the people who are doing it. I hope it works.

p.s. Flotsam and Jestam have an album coming out this year (I think?) so that should help.
The biggest bands on this lineup are Flotsam and Jetsam, Raven, Attacker, Raven, and Deathriders. Every other band on there is local/unsigned/unknown (as far as I can tell). Out of the five big bands I mentioned, Flotsam and Deathriders are the only 2 that are still trying (key word, trying) to keep from fading out into obscurity. None of these bands overall are currently big enough to draw more than 500 people to upstate NY. New York City, Chicago, LA and all the big cities maybe could get 5-700 people max but that's it. If Atheist on their own couldn't draw more than 500 people to major cities, these bands probably can't to smaller cities.

You listed Raven twice.
Ok, first off - for all of our supporters that have spoken favorably of us or at least asked all the naysayers on this board to give us the benefit of a doubt until more information was made public, we say THANK YOU!

Now, for all you negative naysayers that have been slamming this event left and right without knowing much of the facts, details or NOT EVEN HAVING HEARD OF THE EVENT - step back. I will defend to the death your rights to your opinions, but it's time to get more informed.




JULY 18th - 20th 2008.

SKYVIEW DRAGSTRIP in TIOGA CENTER, NY (East of Elmira, West Of Binghamton).


Tickets are $35 at the gate the day of the show.

Camping and Hotels are available nearby.

IHRA Racing events will also be held at the racetrack those days. ON THE OTHER END OF THE TRACK, WELL AWAY FROM OUR 2 STAGES...OVER 500 ACRES OF PROPERTY THERE

Yes, we do honestly hope to get 10 - 25,000 over the course of three days.

Yes, the lineup does not have super mega A list currently hot bands. It's our first festival, BACK OFF. Few if an of the big European Open Airs had stellar lineups right from the start.

There are a lot of currently relevant bands playing. We are trying to make a cool collective atmosphere to hang out in, make new friends and get to see some bands you would NOT normally see anywhere else, or for such a reasonable ticket price.


There are many unsigned bands we have gathered from around NYS and around the country as well as overseas.

There are bands coming from England, Singapore, Israel and Japan.


If you have any questions or anything CONSTRUCTIVE to add, please feel free to post it here.

You know, I got excited when you said this was in NY, only to find out it's upstate. Who the hell holds a festival up there?

Come get some fresh air, it's only about 2.5 hours from you.

I promise you can still use phrases like Ooo miy gawd, get outtta here and verklempt as much as you like if you come.

Maybe we'll have some Famous Rays catered just for you.

Maybe we'll get some bartenders from Kenny's Castaways for you too.
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