On an unrelated note, we did a gig last night that lasted 3 straight hours (with about 25 songs played), and we had all 3 Final Stage drummer's perform with us.

What a tour de force. Nobody recorded it I suppose, I always told my firends to record the gigs becuase you never know when that material may become handy. And like TSO said even filming it, in this day and age a DVD is also a clever thing to do.
Sadly this show wasn't taped. Our friends who tape our gigs couldn't make it out. I'm a nut for having performances taped and dwelling on past mistakes and trying to improve on things.

Though it was probably for the best we didn't record it. We did a bunch of songs we haven't done in years (and attempted to learn the day of the show) so there were a lot of forgotten parts, lyrics, etc. - not to mention my own voice giving out about 8 songs in. (not the sort of thing I'd allow on a pro-recorded show, that's for sure).

I do, however, have a number of past shows taped (all on DVD), including a show from 2 few ago back which was probably our best performance and audience.