To all four of the remaining Freedom Call fans..

Count me in with those who like the first three albums. The third in particular may be the all-out cheesiest album I own, but damn if it doesn't make a good pick-you-up. While I'm certainly not interested in any of current album of theirs, I would absolutely go see them live.

I always thought this was a fun power metal album, but that might be just me.

Pretty bad.
Odd how people will slam this, which it deserves, but defend Edguy's Super Heroes. Both bands have regressed to silly 80's styled hair band music.
Pretty bad.
Odd how people will slam this, which it deserves, but defend Edguy's Super Heroes. Both bands have regressed to silly 80's styled hair band music.

That Edguy album actually had riffs. This sounds like Abba with guitars.
I can't help thinking that if this were a new band on Frontiers (possibly featuring member or 2 of an 'in crowd' prog or power type band), half the people on here would be raving about it.
They could release 10 more shitty albums and I'd still say I was a Freedom Call fan. Their new albums do suck for the most part, but their first three albums are too good to ignore. Also, their dvd is one of the best live dvds I have ever seen.
Pretty bad.
Odd how people will slam this, which it deserves, but defend Edguy's Super Heroes. Both bands have regressed to silly 80's styled hair band music.

Hey, you can't blame them for enjoying themselves. If that's the kind of music they're having fun making, then what can we do?

I'm a big fan of music with comedic influences. Guys playing guitar while dressed in cheap superhero costumes will always have a place in my heart.
Is it me, or does the chorus sound like something Sleez Beez would do?

I F-in MISS Sleeze Beeze! Screwed Blued & Tattooed was AWESOME! (I also liked Powertool!) Seriously!

I wasn't supposed to like this? It looked like they were having fun, and yes, it was totally an Edguy ripoff, but VERY enjoyable to me! I'd totally pay to see them live!
That Edguy album actually had riffs. This sounds like Abba with guitars.

Hey, now. Bjorn played guitar. The licks on "Ring Ring" were so awesome, German superstars Pretty Maid Company did a cover in 1977. Plus, they always used uber-session monster Janne Schaffer.
First three are EXCELLENT albums... I maintain....especially the first two which I think are classics in the genre... I haven't listened to this, but I imagine it sounds like 'A Perfect Day' off the last album x10 in surprise, but sad all the same. I hate Edguy's hair/glam vomit too. I wouldn't mind more new FC songs like 'Under the Spell of the Moon'..