To all four of the remaining Freedom Call fans..

Now somebody round me up another modern power-prog record with good reviews and a spotless metalcore production so I can be taken seriously!

Let's see....

Power Prog record...Spotless metalcore production... Hmm...

Shit, can someone let me know if one of those come around!?!? :lol:

And for the record, it's not the bad production that bothers me. It's the bad songs that bother me. :lol:
My God! Dios Mio! Ukinam! Didn't James Durbin record this for American Idol??? This is totally, utter crap.
I've been listening to this whole album on spotify and I have to say the majority of the album is more like Eternity than Hero on Video. If you've liked Freedom Call in the past, I'm sure you'll love this.

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I love when bands can just have fun with their music sometimes and stop acting serious. :)
When it comes to Freedom call, I like Stairway to Fairyland and part of the one after that, but that's it....The new one sounds totally like new Edguy to me, and reminds me of their Robinhood video, which is absolutely horrible, and talentless.. One thing for sure, Freedom Call's Stairway to Fairyland slays the new Edguy any day of the week!!!
If Freedom Call is such a reputable and classic power metal band, how come this thread is the first I've ever heard of them?

Classic power metal?

This isn't Hammerfall's Legacy Of Kings. This isn't Angra's Holy Land. This isn't Nightfall in Middle-Earth, or In the Hall Of The Mountain King, or Night of the Stormrider, or Nuclear Fire, or Keeper of the Seven Keys or hell even the older crappier first-singer-era of Nocturnal Rites or dare I say Rhapsody!

And they certainly aren't Theater Of Salvation.

They are NOT classic in any possible stretch of the imagination.
If Freedom Call is such a reputable and classic power metal band, how come this thread is the first I've ever heard of them?

Classic power metal?

This isn't Hammerfall's Legacy Of Kings. This isn't Angra's Holy Land. This isn't Nightfall in Middle-Earth, or In the Hall Of The Mountain King, or Night of the Stormrider, or Nuclear Fire, or Keeper of the Seven Keys or hell even the older crappier first-singer-era of Nocturnal Rites or dare I say Rhapsody!

And they certainly aren't Theater Of Salvation.

They are NOT classic in any possible stretch of the imagination.

This! This, times a thousand!
If someone mentions "classic power metal" I have images of Kai Hansen flashing in my vision. Or Lance King. Or Ralph Sheepers. Or Andy B. Frank. Or Andre Matos. Or Ray Alder. Or Henning Basse. Or Timo Kotipelto. Or Niklas Fucking Isfeldt!

When I think of classic power metal, I'm thinking of my first travel binder full of CD's. Not the second, or the third, or the partially filled fourth.
There's nothing wrong with the first couple Freedom Call cd's, in fact they're not bad at all....take the cheese factor of Hammerfall and add it to Gamma Ray inspired music and you get Freedom Call. The band couldn't have been too bad since Helloween grabbed their guitarist, Sascha Gerstner.