To all interested... here's what happened last night at BozzFest!

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Bands in order:
One Last Try (screamo)
Well, they were screamo... what else can I say? I didn't really like them, but hey... the emo people and the clones of the emo people liked them, so i guess they were good for what they do. I wouldn't know, because I didn't like them.
Let it Rip (hardcore)
Sucked. My head hurt after them... they had a keyboard player with stupid ass samples. at the end, they broke the keyboard and threw it in the air and broke part of the ceiling... meh...
Rise from Ruin (neoclassical thrash)

Great band, great musicians. We will be getting more shows with them in the future. The levels were a little funky
Semper Tyrannis (doom/death/thrash)

Opened with an excellent rendition of Opeth's Demon of the Fall... I probably enjoyed these guys the most out of all the bands on the show. Great guitar work, great drums, great bass, great vocals. Hope to play more shows with them in the future!
:headbang: @ Greg
Distorted Mind (doom/death/thrash)

Our time got cut short, because everyone had to be out of the place by midnight. We cut out 4 songs, and ended the set with our 13 1/2 min Lost in the Tears of Reality. During the set, Bill and I covered every inch of space that we could use. We headbanged our asses off. We played reached over and played each other's instruments. The crowd's response to everything we did was nothing short of spectacular. They got into our music, they cheered... Best response we've received yet. At the end of Frozen Reflections, I started to get dizzy and lightheaded. Throughout the rest of the set, it got progressively worse. During our last song, I had to cut away from the mic, because I couldn't do the vocals. I stumbled backward a few times, and nearly fell over several times. We completed the song, and I just sat down for as long as I could.

Thin Air and Empty Shadows
A Painting of Winter's Darkness
Dyer's Eve intro
Drowned Mental Destiny
Distorted Mind
Frozen Reflections
Pull the Plug
Raining Blood
Pull the Plug (reprise)
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Lost in the Tears of Reality
I'd like to thank Derick (Chromatose), Cara (ct_thrash), and Karen (Dead_Lioness) for coming up to the show! It means alot!
here are some of my pics.
i didnt take alot last night, and im sorry i didnt take any of your band Will.
but when you played, i just sat at the back with my cigarette and Diet Pepsi
and enjoyed the show.
but it was great!
i had fun.


AWE! :- ) they are so cute :)


da boyz are back in town, YO!


look at that hot gang. w0t!
for the record: when i told those guys: "i want a dumb picture"
they sure could do it easily :D


the almighty hat.


hahahahahahahahaha :lol: :lol: :worship:

now, for another issue...

look at those weird items i found in Derick's car.
i feared for my life.


how weird is that ?
how often do you see a car with Ultra Bleach in the front seat, with a beach ball ?!


what can i say about that ?
evil Armadilo von hell.


i'd like Derick himself to explain this wonderful device.

's all
Dead_Lioness said:
now, for another issue...

look at those weird items i found in Derick's car.
i feared for my life.


how weird is that ?
how often do you see a car with Ultra Bleach in the front seat, with a beach ball ?!


what can i say about that ?
evil Armadilo von hell.


i'd like Derick himself to explain this wonderful device.

's all

I/m scarified....No corpus delicti ???
Whats in the trunk Crome?
great pics karen!!! hahaha last night when we were almost to your house, i woke up and saw a street sign that said 'tuckahoe' or something and i thought of course that it said 'fuckahoe' :lol: