Fun show last night if anyones interested.


I hate wiener dogs. Dreadful creatures.
Mar 3, 2004
Tulsa, Ok
Show opened with ALL THAT REMAINS which is metalcore but their guitar players rattled off some nice solos. Good opening for the show .

Next came DYING FETUS. THese guys actually impressed me a little. They along with All That Remains dedicated a song to Dimebag. Every song was pretty fucking fast and had some really nice finger tapping work in almost every song. The lead singer and rythmn guitar guy did all the low gutteral death vox and the bass player did all the screechy high pitched stuff. They were pretty good. Lost of good fret work that was fast as shit. They dedicated the song PISSING ON MAINSTREAM for DIMEBAG. I think thats what it was called.

Then came GWAR . This is the order of people killed.
John Kerry opened the show, did a speech then they cut off his head.
Arnold, bad pussy joke, foguht Oderus, cut open his chest.
Paris Hilton, More really bad pussy jokes, cut her in half, Oderus wore her vagina on his head.
Osama Bin Laden , threw a giant bomb in the air then killed him
Micheal Jackson, Oderus gave a baby head, then they ripped MJ's face off.
George Bush, YOU DONT WANNA KNOW, but I will tell you anyway , jerked off his penis and then ripped it off and then the rest of his body followed suit.
Lacey Peterson, really nasty skit involving an abortion of a fish and Oderus's unborn child.
Ronald Reagan as a MEchwarrior, Big battle death , dismemberment
Bonesnapper, a green monster warrior, with asword and shield, big battle death killing.
Then came the Bile Driver which was a big canon , you can see where tha probably went.
Every time someone died , more blood and semen and whatever it was got sprayed on the audience. I was 25 feet away and left soaked to the bone.

I got shot in the face by Oderus's eel penis thing. I stood up at the bar and he aimed right for me nailing me and my new Anthrax shirt.


Bring back the bomb
Womb withA view
Decay Of granduer
Little blues interlude by BALSAC which went right into
Immortal Corrupter which went right into
BOnesnapper , best songs of the show
Lost God
You can't Kill terror
The road Behind
SIck of you( got sprayed by the eel penis here)
Bile driver

their were two others but I didnt recognize them. I didnt know if anyone cared but I thought Id post it. I think they dedicated LOST GOD to DIMEBAG.
During DYING FETUS some guy literally got the tip of his nose ripped off, another a broken nose and two girls got into a fight and the Security never saw it. I had an elevated position at the bar. Perfect seats. 20 to 25 feet away with the pit below me. :headbang: :headbang: Oderus walked around outside before the show and nobody knew it was him because he was out of costume, I said hi to him and people just looked at me funny. I guess nobody knows his name is DAve. Highlights were IMMORTAL C. and BONESNAPPER which were fucking awesome. Sick of YOu was a awesome too and of course all the skits and killing were hilarious. Best live show Ive ever seen.
Necromunchkin said:
Actually the song is Pissing IN the Mainstream, but close enough. I used to like Dying Fetus before the signed with Relapse.

Okay , cool. Thanks for clearing that up. Im not to familiar with them.