To all my Sneapsters...


Apr 18, 2008
Hey guys - I don't post much around here. But I wanted to just take the time to say thanks to everyone on this forum. It's places like this that make me realize there are still compassionate and caring people on this planet. (Along with wisecracking, cynical jack asses :) ) But that's to be expected.

I started seriously doing recording about two years ago, and once I found out about this place I started coming here and slowly posting. First reviews, then slowly but surely my own mixes. With each time I got more and more feedback, more criticism, constructive sometimes but well put all the same. I grew, I aspired to do this more. Talking to people about gear, and specs and tones and all that is exhilarating. I've never known anyone who shared my passion.

For a while I was really discouraged about doing it too. Besides Sneap, my favorite Producer is Jason Suecoff and like him, I am also in a wheelchair. I used to do my own music but I found out quickly that being a musician is the image based way of doing things. So I am now a behind the scenes guy.

Anyway, my whole point is. Thank you all for just doing what you do. I will continue to post on here for a long time, and as I grow as well hopefully give newer people the same type of felling you all gave me.

Also if you know anyone that needs digital artwork, or production please send them my way. I need to somehow raise 150 dollars so I don't get evicted ha.
On a side note, a LOT of talented people here musically too. Kudos to all who post their own songs.
I used to do my own music but I found out quickly that being a musician is the image based way of doing things. So I am now a behind the scenes guy.

Hell that is a lame reason not to write music :D I mean writing for most of us isn't a job, it's a hobby and I always try to encourage people to write their own music. Think of all the great music you would miss out on if everyone sat down on their butts just playing other bands songs and such.

And if the songs you create aint good, well try again.. eventually you get better. And you DON'T need a image to play/create music. Music is supposed to be fun.

Watched your myspace and damn you've met quite a deal of artists! :headbang:
Yeah I agree it is kind of a lame thing. Music is my life. I play guitar, bass, drums, piano and violin. I still write songs everyday, record them, do it all. I just don't strive to be out there right now. I will share it online to all who want to hear it, but I don't want to try and be a "big shot" I don't know if that makes sense.

And yeah - I've met quite a few artists now a days. Good times, good times. ha.
No offense taken man. I usually play on Electronic Kits, and I put the pedals on my footrest of my chair. :) Improvise!
Being a musician is only the image-based way of things if you plan to play in a touring act, and that isn't necessarily what it's all about. Many love to write just for the sake of writing, and record for the sake of archiving. Many cool studio-only artists have come up through here. Besides, if you really want your music heard you can always be a pure songwriter and sell your songs to other artists :)

But anyway, best of luck with your engineering aspirations. At 2 years, you're still a relative babe in all this and likely have so much more to learn and so much more to blow your mind. It's a hard business, but can be rewarding!
Thanks! And yeah that is my plan. I would love to be a studio musician. I don't want to tour anymore, but I can't stop writing and playing. It's amazing feeling, but I get the same feeling hearing a sound come together that I mold ya know?
I'm new here, and the reason i decided to sign up was that i can see a really brotherhood here everyone sharing the passion for music and doesn't matter where we are from, we just put our experience to be helpful for another colleague with the same fucking questions. So i'll stay tuned, i hope you too.