To all the wacky guitarists


I rule at everything
Oct 28, 2002
Queensland, Australia
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Is it just me or do guitars seem to get better with age? This is jsut one of those random thought things, but I think my theory holds true. For you see, I'd rather rape 12 dead horses than play a shop guitar, because they feel all new and gross and rigid and disgusting. But then I'll play something nice and vintage and it's like stroking a lover. Or something. I don't know. See I bought my favourite guitar (Ibanez S370) about 2.5 years ago and for an expensive guitar I wasn't too impressed with it for a while. But now it's like an extension of my body when I play it. I know Vai and Satriani's favourite guitars are like their oldest dunger guitars, but they're the ones they like to play most live. I dunno.

Anyways, I'm happy cause I've finally nailed the ending Steve Vai plays after "answers" on G3 Live. Now I just need some nice DiMarzio Evolution pickups to make it sound as good as when he plays it :D
Guitars are never set up right in the shop. But, some do and some don't get better with age. Mostly on acoustics though. It all depends how the wood ages. Usually the cheaper acoustics won't get better with age and the higher quality ones will. There's not much that can improve on an electric. They usually get worse due to circuitry getting shitty. But I think the reason you may not like shop guitars is cuz they are not set up to your playing style.
I started playing when i was 12. Saw a friend play for whom the bell tolls like back in '92 and knew that i was done playing acoustic exclusively. My first axe was a Alvarez, now i play on a Esp as you see in my profile, with seymoure duncan dimbucker pickups, which are absoultely killer for a clean hard core dist sound, it fits in with my band perfectly, as far as getting better with age, true, im an old fart heh im almost 30. It seems i can create better riffs or songwriting, i think thats true for most g players.
Ibanez are ass. i have an ESP eclipse 300 and it rules pretty well, and my roomate has 2 ESPs, but i think the best tone ive heard comes from my Schecter. its just got your standard on any midrange guitar duncan design humbuckers, but somehow they sound better than other duncan designs ive heard. its like, mystical or something.
*cracks a smile* Schecter?

*stifles a laugh*

Sorry, sorry, I don't play Schecters, I just can't hack it, anyways, my main guitar is a '98 Gibson Les Paul DC, it has a semi-hollow body and is therefore lighter than a regular Les Paul, I love it, it really does feel like caressing a lover when I practice, but when I play live...I HATE FUCK IT! I couldn't live without it, I used to play only Warlocks, but an older guitarist/mentor used to always say that I should get a real American made guitar, so I bought this one off of him, he has 30 fucking axes so, I bought it,he still says it was the worst mistake he ever made, it that great of a guitar. Anyways, GIBSON! \m/

BTW, I really want to get another one, and a regular Les Paul $$$$$$$$$$$
AjDeath said:
*cracks a smile* Schecter?

*stifles a laugh*

Sorry, sorry, I don't play Schecters, I just can't hack it
yeh man. but its ok, becuase you used to play WARLOCKS! wow you are SO FUCKING COOL. i mean, you're like my new hero. warlocks are EVIL!!!psht. hooker, i didnt say schecter was like the greatest guitar company or anything. its a cheap brand i guess. the list price on this guitar is probably like 400 bucks or somthing. so? it has good tone. thats all i said. i wasnt trying to portray schecter as the savior of guitar companies or anything so take your gibson/warlock-im-so-cool an shove it right up your ass.
neal said:
yeh man. but its ok, becuase you used to play WARLOCKS! wow you are SO FUCKING COOL. i mean, you're like my new hero. warlocks are EVIL!!!psht. hooker, i didnt say schecter was like the greatest guitar company or anything. its a cheap brand i guess. the list price on this guitar is probably like 400 bucks or somthing. so? it has good tone. thats all i said. i wasnt trying to portray schecter as the savior of guitar companies or anything so take your gibson/warlock-im-so-cool an shove it right up your ass.

No shit douche, I was just giving you shit, by saying that I used to play only warlocks, I poked fun at myself for the stupid kid I was about four years ago, warlocks suck, they always have, I used them becuase I beat the shit out of my guitars when I play live, now I don't use them, and COOL, your Schecter has a good tone, which is what a great guitar is all about, but I think I would rather have a fucking Cort, skate on brother....