To all who have suggested Manilla Road here....


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
Visit site
Thanks, and holy criminy!!! How on earth did this band escape my attention for the whole of their long career? I've seen them come up here a few times so I went and found some MP3s, then went to the site and listened to the stuff there etc. I'm completely sold. A great mix of old school attitude and HUGE atmosphere etc. I feel like an idiot for having missed them all these years. More than solid, this is classic stuff. Great writing.

I turned right around and ordered three CDs to start....
Crystal Logic
Courts of Chaos
Spiral Castle

But there's no doubt in my mind that I'll be tracking down the rest before long. Can't wait till they get here. This is the best band I've stumbled upon since Lord Weird Slough Feg, easily.

Yet another band that has completely stayed off my radar for a long time. I will have to check them out now for sure.
It was one of your last posts that pushed me over the edge, Dodens. From what I can tell you are right on the money....Just plain awesome stuff.

Some personal suggestions for your next MR purchase :


*this post is an excuse to show cool cover arts*
Superb French made coverart there Fang !!
Manilla Road have a special place in my memories. In the 80's I worked for a metal Magazine and Black Dragon records hooked me up for a phone call with the singer of MR . Hehe, Hawk knows I'm not really a a "talker" but I phoned nearly one houre with this guy, seemed he was intervieuwing ME at some moments, asking my favorit bands and stuff... I never have seen them live unfortunatly, one gap that needs to be filled !!!
SoundMaster said:
What style of music is this?
That's quite hard to describe, there's a lot of different influences in Manilla Road, some would call them "raw epic metal".
They draw a lot of influences from the 70's, some Black Sabbath, Priest, Rush, UFO, Hawkwind, jazz music as well. Add lyrics about mythology, a nasal voice and an epic atmosphere to the mix if it's possible to figure it out.
Not the kind of band easy to get into, but they have a lot to offer :)