to any english majors or poetry people on the board

i love poetry. i love most writing though, in form. but i am not a big fan of a lot of writers people seem to think are awesome. i guess maybe i just get bored easily or i have bad taste.
i used to be a teacher in MA. i made good money, and it was in a small town (at my old high school! and i was mistaken for a student like 1,000 times, but anyway...)
yea. and um, i had like, a bejillion majors and a few gazillion minors. and look where it got me!

i used to always be like MEHHHH when there'd be a guy in my womens studies classes who had a pony tail and a beret. SENSITIVE PONY TAIL MAN! but otherwise, it was fairly interesting to have em around.
i didn't have a beret, and my hair was long but generally unbound (although sometimes ponytailed). but any illusions about my sensitivity were dispelled when i opened my mouth, so i am confident no one thought i was there to strum guitar and get sex with hairy-armpitted chix.