To anyone else that plays classical guitar or fingerstye...

Chryst Krispies

Vanilla Gorilla
Jul 27, 2005
I'm having a bitch of a time keeping my nails in somewhat decent playing shape. I don't keep them too long but the genetics of my finger shape makes it so they have to be fairly long just to make it over the edge of my finger. I keeps breaking them and I feel like a Valley girl.....:erk:
I get certainly enough vitamins, and EFA's.
Generally I try to file my nails every 2 or 3 days to keep them a decent length. I don't like to keep them longer than what the flesh of my finger is...otherwise it feels really weird. Though, one of my teachers plays fingerstyle on a steel string and keeps his rather long as well. It basically comes down to preference.

I have never put anything on my nails to strengthen them, just how I file them. The way nails grow is in layers. When you file, make sure you start with a not so fine grit and do it at an angle to the nail. About 45 degrees is decent. Shape it and stuff but one of the most important steps is to buff the nail once you are done. If you don't do that, you will have rough edges and it will get caught on stuff and then the nails will break. The more you file your nails and stuff the stronger they will get. I haven't broken a nail on my right hand in about two years, other than stupid stuff like getting it caught on something.

Ugh makes me feel gay knowing all that stuff about nails :erk: lol. Hope it helps though dude.
also, has some nail type accessories as well. And places like Target and CVS/Rite Aid, just to name a few, have the multi grit nail files that come in handy and they are fairly inexpensive as well.
I think I never broke a fingernail in my life.

I like to play classical at times but I just can't stand the feeling of long nails (and the look of one hand with longer and one with shorter nails), so I always keep them pretty short. It's a bit of a bitch playing then but it's still working.
eh. Some people don't play classical with nails.

And as for getting new files...yes. You can even buy a saffire nail file and then just get a nail buffer as well. Just gotta make sure the nails are smoooooth.
Yo. Cool to see more fingerstyle players here. I'm an avid Andy McKee/John Butler fan myself so naturally I have long right hand finger nails. It does occur that I break a nail (mostly index finger from strumming crazy stuff like Ocean by John Butler). The best tips I can give you is to indeed never clip your nails but buy a decent file and file them down. Once a week should be just fine to keep it from being annoying as hell to do. Just make sure you file the sides that sort of bend away from your finger down a bit so they don't hook behind strings too easily. I found this to make a huge difference. If you really care about them not breaking (I do) you can put some clear finger-polish or even superglue (my choice) on the edges you use for strumming. Sure you get stupid remarks about long nails, but that's irrelevant if you love playing.
many modern lutenists play without nails. Ron McFarland, one of the best lute players around right now I am pretty sure does not play with nails. I saw him last year at was really wicked. Many of the old classical players did not play with nails. However, some felt it was wrong to play without nails. Different schools of thought for a lot of stuff. But I think the vast majority of modern players play with nails. Then again, many use a naily tone or a fleshy tone as an effect.
I know it is possible, but it's not a very good idea I don't think It's not nearly as convincing and your very limited in the effects you can achieve when with nails you can use more of them or less of them depending on what your doing.