To anyone using Slate room samples


Jan 16, 2009
Are you sample aligning the Z4 / Z5 samples with the close snare or nudging the room samples back a bit, the same way an actual room mic would be?? Something I've been thinking about and messing with...
I know about the Haas effect but I'm not sure what you're trying to say...
How far do you guys like to nudge them back?
i never realign the room samples, it has always worked for me the way they are.
but there are people moving room mics some ms earlier to solve phase issues.
this sometimes leads to a bigger bottom (esp. on toms) (but it really depends on the material)

moving them back would make the room feel larger, as it takes more time for the reflections to enter your ear.
They're sample aligned if you use them through kontakt (ie, programming your own drums). If you're just using drumagog to trigger the Z4/Z5 then I don't think they are. I always manually program the kick, snare, and toms as well as velocities. I for the life of me can't get drumagog to ever trigger properly with the type of music I'm working with. One of these day's I'll have to sit and mess with it some more. You've probably heard it a million times but when in doubt, just use your ears, if it's sounds good not nudged, leave it, if it sounds better nudged, then go with that.
yeah, i use drumagog and then tab through and align by hand. I've already been messing with this on my own, I was just curious to see what people were doing. I didn't think of moving them earlier.
You can also Play the Room Mics First and After that the Close mics. So the Drums are not that in-your-face and are placed in the Mix...and Not that upfront...

English isnt my native Language so this is hard to explane;)
got a good tip to line up the room samples with your actual room mics and process them together. don't know how I didn't think of that before.
i'm doing a mix right now on some really straight up southern hardcore stuff and using the room samples in stead of verb. sounding great, adding tons of life to my lame mono room mic. wouldn't work too well on techy metal stuff though.