To Dead Lioness


Sep 12, 2001
I just read your posts about cats and dogs in the badass pictures thread and I'd like to react on what you said about cats being more intelligent than dogs.

Intelligence is the ability of abstract thinking and it is absolutely NOT proven yet that either dogs or cats are able to use their brains as we, humans. So that could be the end of discussion. On the other hand it is wrong to compare dogs to cats since their lifestyle and almost everything about them is totally different. (It would be like comparing someone who is working in a warehouse, living a very simple life to someone who is leading a company. I am not saying that either of them is less intelligent than the other but they are obviously good in different things.) Dogs live in hordes and they follow the leader while cats don't. Since people are like dogs (meaning they do follow leaders and are living together with other people), does that mean according to your interpretation that cats are more intelligent than human beings...?

There are 7 different kinds of intelligence. Obviously cats are better in some things than dogs. But if we talk about something called intelligence when it comes to animals, dogs have a higher social intelligence while cats don't reach the same level in that. Just to mention one example. We could go on with these kind of examples anyways but it's pointless. To be more precise, according to scientists dogs and cats are on the SAME level as dolphins when it comes to intelligence. (The most intelligent animals by far are the anthropoid apes. They are more intelligent than cats, dogs or dolphins. Human beings and chimpanzees for instance share 98%(!!) of their genes.)

So you see, cats are absolutely not more intelligent than dogs.

Have a nice day!
hey there NeverLady!

well first of all: thanks for taking the time to write this post for me, i always enjoy reading other views and different facts.
My knowledge based on only two books I have read.
One was about the philosophy of the cats: they tried to compare them to dogs, and other animals, and the other book was about intelligent animals.
I have no doubt in my mind that it is WRONG to compare dogs to cats, its like comparing oranges to apples, and im the first to say that its wrong because I hate it when other people do that as well, so if by what I said on that “badass pic thread”
You got from me that I compared the two- well, then that’s not what I meant AT ALL.
(I really don’t remember what I wrote there)
The book I have read about the philosophy of cats had a nice explanation about the cat brain, and why some scientists believe that they are highly intelligent.
In science, there are many opinions, versions, and thought, I just read one of them,
And based what I wrote on that.
But thanks for the thread NeverLady, It was interesting to read!
I might try to read more books about that!

Have a nice day yourself! :wave:
my cat knocked over a bag of incense that was propped up on my desk, and then he picked it up with his mouth and set it back up just how it was.

just sayin'.. it seemed smart ..... and cute
well in all actuality...only a certain species of cats have a social structure and from my knowledge that is lions...housecats dont have a social structure...they are solitary creatures...because of this, people seem to think that cats are more independent and yet more intelligent than dogs...this to me, is a load of! every canid creature (with the exeption of foxes since i know very little about them) have an entire society built into their minds...when dogs are domesticated and brought into the homes of humans, instead of seeking a pack, they accept the humans in the household as their their minds, there is an alpha, beta, kappa, omega, etc...whether we humans think that or not...its the same as the wild, only domesticated dogs know that they really dont have to work for their food, so they view the human(s) as the alphas, thus being so loyal...:)
anyway...sure cats have intellect..but you know..being a dog lover i am a little biased :p
hey Neverlady!!! :) :)
my tigris domesticus vulgaris, Pavo, turned the age of one month today, so I can't give any example of him behaving/reacting intelligently. :D except say that he's adorable...
anyways, I'll try to show him metalized's tools set ( :D ) and let him work on the home improvement, as he spends around 9 hours a day alone at home.... :err: I'll let you know what he managed to fix and install...
pretty much all my cats are very social, and not just cuz they're hungry. all week in texas i had to sleep with a 20 pound cat sleeping between my legs. i couldn't move! :lol:
Come on really who cares if cats are smarter than dogs, what it all boils down to is which animal is more fun to be around and dogs beat cats on the fun factor by a lot. It's like wouldn't you prefer hanging out with a special olympics retard than the most boring member of MENSA? Retards are a lot like dogs, they drool, they do what you tell them to and make a fool out of themselves without giving a damn, all the while laughing and bouncing about.