To late Gazz! got the pic up....

ya big p00f. lol

all good bro, my phone spat the dummy anyways and didn't save the pic.

here is a bigger picture for all to see.

AWESOME! :kickass:Look for my friend request... I've been thinking about a hammer tattoo in the same area, or the Helm of Awe. How long did you sit for it, or was it split up into more than one session?

No worries man, ill be sure to put ya on my list! If youlook at my pics you'll see the original one, that took 4 hours, and the rest of the shading/detailing took another 3, so 7 all up at $155 an hour haha. But this guy is fuckin good & known to be fast.

And Gazz ya cunt! I have no idea what you aint playin world class cricket, you werea gun! hahaha you wasted motherfucker! \m/

& Cheers to all! Its wicked when people compliment you on somethin that cost so much, and you're gonna have forever! \m/