To listen to Andy's 5150 raw tone


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Do you know if Andy ever posted a raw extract of 5150 miced with a 57 somewhere (tubescreamer added or not) ?

I have some raw Krank tones of him, found in his tubescreamer and cab comparisons, it's a great reference in terms of balance and clarity for me. I'd love to hear the same thing with another amp, especially the 5150. If it exists, please can you post the link ?
the link in the thread doesn't work.

ya but it's referring to the link that's in the Useful Links...

In fact I looked into this a wee bit more (why spend time getting laid when you can do fun stuff like this?) and this is for the record:

the Tube Screamer comparison is (TS-->)Krank-->boogie-->I5
the Cab comparison is 5150-->cabinet-->mic
Thanks guys, I thought it was Krank, but wow how can he gets THAT MUCH smooth sizzle from the 5150 ? I tried to mic mine yesterday, I got a pretty cool result, but a bit too much low mids (even with the mids knob at 0 ; maybe a tube issue there) and lacking a bit of sizzle, even with presence around 8,5.
I guess it really depends on the guitar and pickups too.
Yeah right, I can get a very good sizzle easily with the Engl Powerball, with the 5150 it sounds big but lacks clarity, I think I should try to swap my preamp tubes dans put some Electro Harmonix in there, which are known to sound more brutal than JJ ones.
Maybe try a EI elite gold on the V1 slot. Very clear and aggressive tone.
The only downside is it adds more gain which might be overkill for a 5150.
Also be sure to check the bias if applicable.
It's interesting : I just remembered that the stock tubes I had in my 5150 were three EH as V1, V3 and V4 ; one Groove Tubes ECC83 as V2 ; one Sovtek LPS as V5. All that with Svetlana 6L6 power tubes.
I have to try the original preamp tubes for recording, I'll post a link here for a comparison, just to see if I can get a better overall clarity in the high-mids :kickass:
Thanks guys, I thought it was Krank, but wow how can he gets THAT MUCH smooth sizzle from the 5150 ? I tried to mic mine yesterday, I got a pretty cool result, but a bit too much low mids (even with the mids knob at 0 ; maybe a tube issue there) and lacking a bit of sizzle, even with presence around 8,5.
I guess it really depends on the guitar and pickups too.

Have you tried cranking the presence all the way and then LP filtering it back down? This helps....yeah, but I feel you on that sizzle thing.