to Lizard...


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
I downloaded those Nike Drake tracks you sent me, and wow.... this is fucking great. Even though this is totally new to me, I can hear some similarities between my style and his, with the progressions and whatnot. So once again, thank you. I'm going to definitely look for more of his music.

Oh- and you'd be proud to know that I heard "Choirs of the Eye" for the first time today. WTF... just... whoa. :OMG:
I too finally got around to hearing some Nick Drake clips (some 30 sec clips from Pink Moon I think). It was pretty good but I'm not a real fan of those vocals which I found pretty weak. And that reminds me, I need to get around to buying Choirs of the Eye as well.
Drake is one of those guys who sold squat when he was alive, but the cult keeps we hear people who were influenced by people who were influenced by him...

Choirs of the Eyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I am so psyched to see them this fall...

and Toby will be doing a solo compositional performance (with Mia and someone else) in NYC in August.
I think Kayo Dot is destined to have the same impact, just without the dying unloved part. can't wait to see what treasures album #2 (or five as it were) will hold, though I'm not sure why we haven't heard any specific reports from Toby or anyone else about it yet...
I keep gtting Nick Drake and Nick Cave mixed up. I'm smart.
Me too and I haven't heard either. I get Colin Farrell and Will Farrell mixed up also.
@Mark: check out the "paypal me $6" thread if you haven't already.
Anathema mastermind Danny Cavanagh released a Nick Drake tribute album last year, called A Place To Be. Check it out if you get the chance.

I might have to check that out.

Demonspell: this is from the most recent Toby interview:

Can you share any information about the new material, such as titles, or changes in style, or how it compares to Choirs of the Eye?

There aren't any titles yet. A lot of the stylistic changes will depend on the new drummer. But I don't know, it's not all that similar to Choirs of the Eye. It's hard to say, really. It's a bit different. I can't really think of a way to explain it. It's the same, but different, but not too far out. Maybe a little closer in, in fact. Choirs of the Eye is kind of huge and cosmic, and this new one is a little more earthy. Choirs of the Eye was really introverted. The new one is extroverted.

It sounds like its going to be an amazing album.

It's hard to live up to the praise of the last one though. I think people's expectations will be way too high. Like, before Choirs of the Eye came out, people were expecting more maudlin of the Well, and now people are going to be expecting more Choirs of the Eye. It's a dumb predicament which we're just trying to ignore. The new album will be a different thing altogether, so that Choirs of the Eye still has its own value and doesn't end up being a superior or inferior version of its successor.
Hey, by the way... your signature is bothering the fuck out of me because they used to give Hitler coke and speed to keep him going during the day, not to mention the demerol (heroin) they gave him for sleep.

edit: Disregard that, I'm way too much of a smartass.

You NEED to check out The Evpatoria Report !!!!!!!!!!! Dev graciously uploaded the album for our listening pleasure and I have been immersed in it ever since. It is surpassing GY!BE even.