Need help with importing vocal track to Cubase 5


Apr 17, 2009
Hey all,

So i've completed a song, sent it to a vocalist and he's used the mp3 bounce to work on his vocal version. He's sent me all his vocal tracks, including a copy of the track with his vocals and it seems to be in time.

My problem:

When I drag and drop import his wav vocal files all to bar 1 (start of the song) they're out of time. He's recorded all the stem files in the right spots. Why are the audio tracks fucking up?

No changes to sample rate as far as im aware.

Should I get him to map the tempos in his daw before exporting them just incase? I thought that would have only affected midi. Thanks!
found the issue - the tempo track is stretching the audio when i adjust it, is there any way i can lock it out from doing it to vocals?
its as if its treating the audio like midi:

I even imported all the vocal tracks into a new project and varied the tempo and it still happened

but when i load a fully mixed song into a new project and vary it (including the same project as those vocals)
the full song doesnt speed up!?