To Mr. Louie Clemente...


Nov 19, 2002
Boston, MA USA
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Hey everyone, I havn't been on the TestAmenT board in years, but I just had to say this..the last time I was on this board everyone kept slamming Louie saying how he sucked, but then I watched the new DVD & he fucking blew me away! I remember saying back then, "what if the guys reunite & Louie is a much better drummer?" Well, here we are years later & it's happened...the guys are back & Louie is a MUCH better drummer!! Cheers to you Louie & F@%k those guys who slammed you! I always knew you could practice a little more & kick some major ass! Those idiots think that just because your drumming was a little simpler back then that you couldn't possibly improve...yeah OK fellas....thank you Mr. Clemente, I hope those morons ate their words!:Spin:
Oh yes, to the smart asses out there that would probably say "Louie didn't drum like Dave Lombardo on the'The Gathering' so he hasn't proved that much." Well, like I said before, Louie has improved from how he's played before regardless! But it would great to see if he could drum like that; maybe we'll see on the next record?!;)
ds336 said:
But it would great to see if he could drum like that; maybe we'll see on the next record?!;)

He won't. Louie's style isn't at all like Lombardo's and thank you for that. To me Louie is a very talentet musician, and his drumming has always fitted Testaments sound perfectly. I, like you, am truly glad that he is back and I very much hope that he will be playing on the next record!
THANKS A MILLION, DS336, FOR POSTING A MUCH DESERVED COMMENT ABOUT LOUIE! FINALLY!!! I'm glad to see someone appreciates his drumming skills enough to post it! He's so AWESOME yet unrated. I've been a loooooong time fan of his and I must say that I was so tried of reading negative comment after negative comment about him that a while back on this same board I created a topic slamming all those who doubted him. I'm sure this message you posted will get back to him. And yes, he has improved dramatically! THANK AGAIN, YOU ROCK!


PS remarks about his weight are lame...get a life.
Sharona said:
THANKS A MILLION, DS336, FOR POSTING A MUCH DESERVED COMMENT ABOUT LOUIE! FINALLY!!! I'm glad to see someone appreciates his drumming skills enough to post it! He's so AWESOME yet unrated. I've been a loooooong time fan of his and I must say that I was so tried of reading negative comment after negative comment about him that a while back on this same board I created a topic slamming all those who doubted him. I'm sure this message you posted will get back to him. And yes, he has improved dramatically! THANK AGAIN, YOU ROCK!


PS remarks about his weight are lame...get a life.

Exactly my thoughts. Louie rules! Great post. I've been saying this for years that Louie was extremely important to Testament. I've posted alot about this very subject if you search the archives. Definately underrated, and part of the original Testament-blood that can't be ignored. And yes...To the anonymous message board coward that would never say that to Louie's face, eat a dick. What have you done that equals what Louie's contributed to metal music? Let's hear what you've got. :Smug:
Another big fan of Louie here. I really regret he had qiut playing 13 years ago- he would have become a magnificient drummer by now and was "only" very good after a couple of weeks of practice and will surely be greater and greater with the passage of time, if he chooses to come bak to music for good. It's really sad that 13 years have been wasted (in our, fans', eyes that is).
As for the negative comments- well, the haters are always the loudest, but there's just a few of'em. I don't really care about poor people who need to bash someone who's achieved something just to cover up for their own mental weaknesses and unfulfillment. I just hope Louie doesn't get to read all this shit and if he does- that it gives him a good laugh, because he knows his worth (because his drumming was one of the elements that distinguished the band from other bands and made their style unique) and knows that a vast majority of Testament fans is with him.
Finally, I can say there's some Louie supporters--I knew you guys were out there! As for the comment someone said about his weight, he didn't seem big to me at all! But then again, we live in a world today where being a little overweight could get you exiled!:grin: