To PT HD owners


Jun 20, 2007

Im about to buy a PT HD system, and i got a pretty noobish question.

If you for example Digi's own interface (or apogee,lynx etc) how do you connect your monitors?? Do you need a monitor controller??
Is the easiest way just to buy a command 8??
Please enligthen me :)

Though i have worked on PT HD system before, this hasnt striked me before because they either had a control surface of some kind haha

Cheers / Christ SWE

yeah youll need a monitor controller if you dont want fixed monitor gain.
recommend the presonus central station.
however the command 8 is pretty daym cool
I use a command 8,
But you dont need a controller straight away, you could just use the master fader in the PT software untill you decide what controller to buy.
Where I interned they used this niffty little device by benchmark called a DAC1 (although looking at the picture it looks a bit different) it was nice because it could be mounted right on tom of a drum practice pad stand and placed right next to you. IIRC it was not cheap though...
Thats a DAC (as in digital to analogue converter) a damn good one too, bit expensive to use as a monitor controller and you alrady have some damn good converters in the 192 (if you use one)
maybe worth getting id you have a 96io as the converters arnt so good - but thats a whole other topic.
Best idea is to get something as simple as a mackie big knob or a presonus central station. They are cheap (by comparison to buying an HD rig) and work great. You'll definitely want a monitor controller, as going from a 192/96 straight into monitors has disaster written all over it.