To Rogga

Actually the only band for me right now is RUTGER HAUER. Dirty ultra-lowfi grind/death wich is helluva fun to play but probably a whole bunch of nothces below fun when it comes to listening to : )

Also going to record a shitload of SFU styled songs and cheesy covers (a Beastie Boys cover already done...) with some new guys under the name SUBMERGED just for fun, then we´ll see if that evolves into a regular band or jsut stays a one off thing.
Rogga said:
Actually the only band for me right now is RUTGER HAUER. Dirty ultra-lowfi grind/death wich is helluva fun to play but probably a whole bunch of nothces below fun when it comes to listening to : )

hahahah! I remember renting "fatherland" quite some time ago with a couple of friends. Without nowing who the actor was one of them was like "oh no, this movie contains Rutger Hauer". He's not even that irritetating, but his name became a legend to us pretty fast. And now here comes RUTGER HAUER - the band. Kudos!