To the 2 people who left towels on their seats most of the night ....

Mar 12, 2003
and found them missing after Overkill

I was the one that ratted you out.
Its not only a douchbag move but its against the rules.
And I will do it again if I see it.
Hope you enjoy getting charged fo those 2 towels you lost by your hotel too

and thank you Su for the assist:kickass:
Lot of people using merch bags as placeholders last night. Seems to have calmed down today, though I still see a few towels.
You know, I think I want the towels back. At least then I'd know what seats I couldn't take. Now I sit down and get a glimmer of hope only to be told that the seat is taken. I don't understand it myself.
and found them missing after Overkill

I was the one that ratted you out.
Its not only a douchbag move but its against the rules.
And I will do it again if I see it.
Hope you enjoy getting charged fo those 2 towels you lost by your hotel too

and thank you Su for the assist:kickass:

I full-on LOL'd at this...good for you!!!

I got into an intense argument with some a-hole a couple of years ago because we were "in his seats." I pointed out that we had been IN those seats for well over an hour, so clearly he'd simply forgotten his merch bags there. He was pretty upset, but I didn't care...I told him that per Glenn, "an ass in the seat is the only thing that saves it" and to talk to Glenn if he had a problem with it.

Shit just pisses me's inconsiderate as hell.
You know, I think I want the towels back. At least then I'd know what seats I couldn't take. Now I sit down and get a glimmer of hope only to be told that the seat is taken. I don't understand it myself.

This. And it’s especially frustrating if you’ve just side-stepped down half a row of seats only to be told that an empty seat is saved. I’ve never understood the towel hate - *except* when it’s directed at people who throw towels down and then never actually use the seats. But that’s obnoxiously rude regardless of whether your seat is saved by a towel or by a human being.
Maybe I'm part of the vocal minority here, but it is nice to save your seat for a SHORT while when you go and grab a bite to eat, go to the bathroom, see a couple of songs from the floor, etc. Yes the rule can be abused and I have seen that happen. I did save my seat and that for a few of my friends, but for the most part our butts were planted in the seats. So just because you see a towel there doesn't mean that you think you should remove it.

Again, it's something that can be abused but if only done for short periods of time I think it's acceptable.
Saving seats can be acceptable, as long as it's not abused--such as someone leaving the seats to go onto the floor for an entire set, or to go out to dinner for a few hours. I confess that I've "saved seats" for relatively short periods of time to check out merchandise, go to the bathroom or go to an autograph signing. The longest I save a seat for with my merchandise bag was two hours, and that was only because the line for the autograph singing took forever. On the other hand, the seats that I did save were up in the corners, and thus not particularly popular.
This. And it’s especially frustrating if you’ve just side-stepped down half a row of seats only to be told that an empty seat is saved. I’ve never understood the towel hate - *except* when it’s directed at people who throw towels down and then never actually use the seats. But that’s obnoxiously rude regardless of whether your seat is saved by a towel or by a human being.

Here's the problem. How the hell am I supposed to know if someone, as you said, "throw down towels and then never actually use the seats" vs. as someone else said, just did it while going to the bathroom? The answer is that to someone who wants to sit down, it's impossible to know, it's all the same shit, and it's all annoying and against PPUSA policy.

So, to anyone who came back to their "saved seats" to find that your crap had been thrown in the floor under the seats, consider yourself fortunate that it was under the seat instead of in the trash.

Yes, this is a serious pet peeve of mine.
Here's the problem. How the hell am I supposed to know if someone, as you said, "throw down towels and then never actually use the seats" vs. as someone else said, just did it while going to the bathroom? The answer is that to someone who wants to sit down, it's impossible to know, it's all the same shit, and it's all annoying and against PPUSA policy.

So, to anyone who came back to their "saved seats" to find that your crap had been thrown in the floor under the seats, consider yourself fortunate that it was under the seat instead of in the trash.

Yes, this is a serious pet peeve of mine.

I agree with Dave BTW.

I think you answered your own question. You don't know. I think if you see a bag or towel on the seat, give them 10-15 mins to see if they come back from the bathroom, bar, etc. If the seat is still "marked" after that time then I think it would be ok to move the bag or towel. Give the people a little slack for christsakes.
Here's the problem. How the hell am I supposed to know if someone, as you said, "throw down towels and then never actually use the seats" vs. as someone else said, just did it while going to the bathroom? The answer is that to someone who wants to sit down, it's impossible to know, it's all the same shit, and it's all annoying and against PPUSA policy.

So, to anyone who came back to their "saved seats" to find that your crap had been thrown in the floor under the seats, consider yourself fortunate that it was under the seat instead of in the trash.

Yes, this is a serious pet peeve of mine.

Amen. It was nice to not see the bedsheets draped over 4 seats like last year. My wife and I saved each other's seats, but one of us always had our buttocks planted in one of the two chairs.
I generally don't sit (and I'm paying for that today with sore feet and knees), but sometimes my wife needs to rest her feet. My thought has always been if I sit in an empty seat and somebody else says it's saved, I will say, "Then when they come back, we can talk about it," and continue to sit. If they come back quickly (just ran for a drink or bio break), I'll move. If they are gone for a long time, then it's no problem.
I agree with Dave BTW.

I think you answered your own question. You don't know. I think if you see a bag or towel on the seat, give them 10-15 mins to see if they come back from the bathroom, bar, etc. If the seat is still "marked" after that time then I think it would be ok to move the bag or towel. Give the people a little slack for christsakes.

So you suggest scanning for empty seats that have someone's towel/bag/shit on them, choosing a few to monitor, and then standing around like a moron, missing the fucking show because you're waiting to see if any of these douchebags actually come back to their seats. That's idiotic.

And then what? "Well, I've given the recommended 10-15 minutes of 'slack' time, I suppose I can consider actually sitting down?"

Fuck that. If your ass isn't in the seat, it isn't your seat. I come to ProgPower to watch the bands, not to monitor the seats to see if someone who is NOT there is coming back for them. That's absurd. I'll give *some* slack if an actual person from your group is still there to hold the seats, but that's it.

Even that is probably too much slack, though. A few years ago, after trying to find a seat for a while (before I got my current "fuck it" attitude), we finally went to sit down in some empty seats and were promptly told by someone next to them that "hey man, these are my friends' seats, they're coming right back."

I told the guy "that's fine. If/when your friends come back, I'll gladly give them back their seats. Until then, we're sitting here." He was fine with that, and guess what? We watched a FULL set from the next band, and HALF the set from the next band. They still hadn't come back, but we were done, so we left anyway.

"They're coming right back," my ass. Maybe that's what they told him (he was very nice about it), but it's a prime example of why the "saved seats" thing is pure bullshit.
So you suggest scanning for empty seats that have someone's towel/bag/shit on them, choosing a few to monitor, and then standing around like a moron, missing the fucking show because you're waiting to see if any of these douchebags actually come back to their seats. That's idiotic.

And then what? "Well, I've given the recommended 10-15 minutes of 'slack' time, I suppose I can consider actually sitting down?"

Fuck that. If your ass isn't in the seat, it isn't your seat. I come to ProgPower to watch the bands, not to monitor the seats to see if someone who is NOT there is coming back for them. That's absurd. I'll give *some* slack if an actual person from your group is still there to hold the seats, but that's it.

Even that is probably too much slack, though. A few years ago, after trying to find a seat for a while (before I got my current "fuck it" attitude), we finally went to sit down in some empty seats and were promptly told by someone next to them that "hey man, these are my friends' seats, they're coming right back."

I told the guy "that's fine. If/when your friends come back, I'll gladly give them back their seats. Until then, we're sitting here." He was fine with that, and guess what? We watched a FULL set from the next band, and HALF the set from the next band. They still hadn't come back, but we were done, so we left anyway.

"They're coming right back," my ass. Maybe that's what they told him (he was very nice about it), but it's a prime example of why the "saved seats" thing is pure bullshit.

I'm not saying to scan for seats and wait like an asshole to see if someone comes back. Go find another fucking seat and keep an eye on the seats you first looked at. There was NEVER a time during this weekend that all the seats were full and not available. Were they always primo seats? No. I'd like to see someone try to move my shit or think about throwing it in the trash because I had to take a piss and my seat was open for a few mins. We're all there to have a good time and enjoy the show. Take some chill pills with you next time. Medicine is now allowed in the venue.
So you suggest scanning for empty seats that have someone's towel/bag/shit on them, choosing a few to monitor, and then standing around like a moron, missing the fucking show because you're waiting to see if any of these douchebags actually come back to their seats. That's idiotic.

And then what? "Well, I've given the recommended 10-15 minutes of 'slack' time, I suppose I can consider actually sitting down?"

Fuck that. If your ass isn't in the seat, it isn't your seat. I come to ProgPower to watch the bands, not to monitor the seats to see if someone who is NOT there is coming back for them. That's absurd. I'll give *some* slack if an actual person from your group is still there to hold the seats, but that's it.

Even that is probably too much slack, though. A few years ago, after trying to find a seat for a while (before I got my current "fuck it" attitude), we finally went to sit down in some empty seats and were promptly told by someone next to them that "hey man, these are my friends' seats, they're coming right back."

I told the guy "that's fine. If/when your friends come back, I'll gladly give them back their seats. Until then, we're sitting here." He was fine with that, and guess what? We watched a FULL set from the next band, and HALF the set from the next band. They still hadn't come back, but we were done, so we left anyway.

"They're coming right back," my ass. Maybe that's what they told him (he was very nice about it), but it's a prime example of why the "saved seats" thing is pure bullshit.

It seems that everyone has their own opinion on this. My wife and I get there earlier than anybody else and she sits in those seats religiously while I vendor room, bathroom, beer run etc... She has marked our seats with merchbags or my empty camera bag while she runs to the bathroom a few times, but all but once the seats were taken when she returned 5-10 minutes later. Personal opinion, somebody gets their ass thrown out for saving seats for 2 hours, fine. But if you take a seat which has been occupied all fucking day and only opened up for 5 minutes, and you are unreasonable to giving said seat up, theres going to be a throwdown. I'll risk getting tossed because theres right and wrong. We could always have assigned seating which would solve the problems and create headaches for everybody involved, so lets be happy with the 1100 people who do the right thing and not the 100 douchebags that ruin it for everybody.
It seems that everyone has their own opinion on this. My wife and I get there earlier than anybody else and she sits in those seats religiously while I vendor room, bathroom, beer run etc... She has marked our seats with merchbags or my empty camera bag while she runs to the bathroom a few times, but all but once the seats were taken when she returned 5-10 minutes later. Personal opinion, somebody gets their ass thrown out for saving seats for 2 hours, fine. But if you take a seat which has been occupied all fucking day and only opened up for 5 minutes, and you are unreasonable to giving said seat up, theres going to be a throwdown. I'll risk getting tossed because theres right and wrong. We could always have assigned seating which would solve the problems and create headaches for everybody involved, so lets be happy with the 1100 people who do the right thing and not the 100 douchebags that ruin it for everybody.

Amen. Well said!