to the drakes

Sepultura is the portuguese word for 'grave' - Sepulcher (english) is a tomb/burial chamber.

The word 'sepulture', in english, means 'to bury someone' or the act of placing in a tomb.
Sepultura is the portuguese word for 'grave' - Sepulcher (english) is a tomb/burial chamber.

The word 'sepulture', in english, means 'to bury someone' or the act of placing in a tomb.

that is correct, "sepultura" is also grave in spanish, but we more commonly use the word "tumba"
You didn't know this???!

Sepultura, as mentioned already, is Portugese for Grave. Max used it as the band's name when translating the lyrics for the Motorhead song 'Dancing On Your Grave'.
i read an interview with max that it meant buried alive because they took it from the back of venom's black metal album a brazillian copy where the titles had been translated badly and "buried alive" became "sepultura".