to the guys from Axis


blunt fanfare trauma
Oct 24, 2003
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Finally there is a perfect blend of harsh industrial and terrifying black metal. That ep is easily some of the best extreme music I've ever heard, and one can only imagine what else is up your sleeves. Good work.

:Smokedev: ,
Thank you! we are very pleased to finaly have it released, I got my copies today and it looks fantastic finaly put together in its packaging with all the art code have done an excelent job with that. That chapter s finaly written and done after so long, we can now put ourselves fully into the second album.
Of the E.P. i will roll out the old cliche of its an (un)natural progression from the first album focusing more on personal apocalypse rather than global and with more emphasis on fusing harsh ambient/industrial and metal....
...of the second album i shall say nothing
'forms...' actualy got played on Radio 1 in the Uk along with 'Ruined nation awakens' by the late great John Peel. I would have dearly loved to have seen the massed reactions of suberbia when those tracks seethed from the speakers...i wonder if any one momentarliy found themselves in watching rust grow from the radio...
Writing tracks like 'forms..' is a lot more 'fun' :~ and rewarding for us than the standard metal type songs so you can make of taht what you will, though one of our goals musicaly is to completely merge the two together rather than continue to be a metal band with industrial/ambient bits.
Tetsuo unit said:
'forms...' actualy got played on Radio 1 in the Uk along with 'Ruined nation awakens' by the late great John Peel. I would have dearly loved to have seen the massed reactions of suberbia when those tracks seethed from the speakers...i wonder if any one momentarliy found themselves in watching rust grow from the radio...
Writing tracks like 'forms..' is a lot more 'fun' :~ and rewarding for us than the standard metal type songs so you can make of taht what you will, though one of our goals musicaly is to completely merge the two together rather than continue to be a metal band with industrial/ambient bits.

So, it will be more of a genuine 'marriage' of the two styles then....hmmm.....that might actually be first. I've heard seperate bands that have tried something similair (although not in such a depraved way) and they only ended up
halfway there. Sometimes more metal, sometimes more electronic. If you guys can pull that off with the next record, I think Emi should bake you a cake.:yuk: Also, I would like to point out that some of your screams on the ep rmeind me of the days when Genesis P. Orridge would let fly some of his more insane and uncontrolled shrieking with Throbbing Gristle. You ought to be comfortable with that, I reckon.

:zombie: ,
Tetsuo unit said:
'forms...' actualy got played on Radio 1 in the Uk along with 'Ruined nation awakens' by the late great John Peel. I would have dearly loved to have seen the massed reactions of suberbia when those tracks seethed from the speakers...i wonder if any one momentarliy found themselves in watching rust grow from the radio...
Writing tracks like 'forms..' is a lot more 'fun' :~ and rewarding for us than the standard metal type songs so you can make of taht what you will, though one of our goals musicaly is to completely merge the two together rather than continue to be a metal band with industrial/ambient bits.
Track one fulfills my "forms" quota nicely!

Excellent release, very impressed! :D
I only checked out throbbing gristle after people mentioned the comparison before that neither of us ahd heard any. It was interesting how much TG was in the sound already before hearing any, it was quite cool in a creepy way!

Ive been working on some new soundscaping today... ive actualy managed to disgust myself.
i shall speak only for myself with this list but musicaly...
devin townsend, fear factory, korn, latter deftones, meshuggah, neurosis, godflesh, mear tri, sephiroth, blut aus nord, megaptera, esoteric, red harvest, bjork, portis head, Dj shadow, massive attack, left feild, akira yamaoka silent hill:eek:.s.t. 1 -4, and a whole load of stuff i cant remeber right now!
Other media, silent hill 1 - 4, project zero, the suffering (all ps2 games) david lynch movies, whole variety of japanese cinema - anime and other wise, ramsey campbell short stories, H.P. Lovecraft, Transformers, but most of all our home town (the inspiration to local lad Ridely scott for a lot of his sci fi work, blade runner ect) and its inhabitants but the biggest most over powering influence to us at all is the little insideous voice, more distant than the furthest star and closer than the thickness of a shadow, that says 'i wonder what would happen if you recorded that noise, slowed it down and played it backwards...' o_O
korn, he! yup im a false metal poser! ;)
there is korn in there, more so in the recent stuff ( though i think mike will disagree) munky and heads general style, sound and use of effects realy blew me when i first heard 'life is peachy' i had heard nothing like and its influenced the way i make music especialy with guitar ever since.
exactly though as ive said its only one of many and realy only applicable to myself, i wouldnt worry too much about say axis suddenly adopting phat hip hop beatsand rapping :D
Something i had noticed that guitarists have a tendancy to do is buy an expensive multi effects unit then use it say for a single distortion and maybe a clean sound, so ive always tried to push my gear.