to: the maggot unregistered who thinks I am crazy or mad, or fuck else



I do not know who this person is you are reffering to but just a word of
my own,because I too use 'big words' often. I use them because of my
upbringing. I speak as i speak even were we face to face,I was raised
around ppl of an intelligence to speak that type of vocabulary at times
and so that is all I am used to.If I perchance type a flourishing word on
this list it is not because I am "trying to show my superiority " to
others,it is simply because I SPEAK AS SUCH. You,my friend,seem to have an
inferiority complex if you are going to always thing someone is talking
down to you because of their speech.If this case is true about the other
that typed that then YOU are the one with the issue and YOU need to solve
it. I cannot speak for them but I will tell you this about me-I REFUSE to
dumb myself down for anyone,esp. someone on an elist that barely knows
me.I have a policy-if you do not like me-the way I speak,type or some
other inherit personality trait of mine none is forcing you to talk to
me,read my postings,be near me etc.Walk away,ignore the post-whatever. I
know you are speaking of another member here but I will tell you straight
up-I use 'big words' often,I will not stop using them just because one
does not quite grasp the English language though if it is not their native
language and I am made aware of it NICELY I will gladly ensure they
understand me. But I am NOT about to just stop.I am telling you this now
so you can begin deleting my posts automatically and not have to tax your
brain by reading any more from me.regards rebirth
well done REBIRTH.
If you fuckers only knew how INTELLEGENT this guy really is. IF ONLY YOU KNEW. I fyou only knew how good a person this guy really is, it would blow your fucking minds.

Ill stand beside REBIRTH. PROUDLY.
I am now
I will defend my pride
and I will fight to the death
I am never a scardy cat
my life is committed to the eliminating of parasites
teenage suicide is on the rise
do not and I repeat do not attempt to understand cause I surely don't
mom and dad did me wrong
but I've got problems
you know school and stuff
I got my pride
superiority complex in the first degree
God bless America

Rebirth may seem like he has his head up his ass, but for some reason I have the ability to see through his odd reasoning and I see he is every bit as smart as ledmag claims.

Oh, there is no God, and the way things are going, soon there won't be an America for ANYONE to bless.
I've never understood why someone should have to hide their intelligence and/or education by dumbing down their speech. this is America, everyone has the opportunity to educate themselves even if they don't go to college.
LIZ>>the wood chopping has slowed WAAAAY down already. Back to nails and paint, and fences, and etc, etc, etc...

WHen i was a youngster, i got into making bows and arrows. VEry good ones actually. I used to have this manual on how to survive and wouldnt believe how powerfull a bow you can make from nearly nothing. BUt no, i have not shot an arrow in yrs. I do love to shoot guns though....LOVE TO.

This is funny...i would take CORN COBBS, tear off teh corn, stick a few feathers in one end, and a number 16 or 20 nail in the other....what a weapon,,very acurate as well. hahahhaah....that book.

hey, cool on your raise dude. I give myself a raise from time to time.....
I was actually offered a factory job yesterday...a friend of mine, i turned it down down before he could even tel lme how it would be. I wouldnt know how to act with someone telling me what to do on a job.....not that im above that, but ive made the disicions on what to do fo r so long.....i would probably get fired.
I thought since you live in the country you would have plenty of room for archery target shooting...damn hard to kill animals with a bow though. My parents taught me to shoot when I was a kid, my mom was Vermont indoor womens' champion one year, and my dad was always making his own arrows in the basement, the house always smelled like burning feathers
I haven't shot in quite a while though.

yeah it sucks to have someone always looking over your shoulder and telling you do this do that.
LIZ>>cool then, you know what i was talking about on the homade deals....but the book i had, showed how to make the weapons with nothing more than a few tools, and things you gather from teh woods.

SOunds your parennts are cool ppl.
rebirth said:
I do not know who this person is you are reffering to but just a word of
my own,because I too use 'big words' often. I use them because of my
upbringing. I speak as i speak even were we face to face,I was raised
around ppl of an intelligence to speak that type of vocabulary at times
and so that is all I am used to.If I perchance type a flourishing word on
this list it is not because I am "trying to show my superiority " to
others,it is simply because I SPEAK AS SUCH. You,my friend,seem to have an
inferiority complex if you are going to always thing someone is talking
down to you because of their speech.If this case is true about the other
that typed that then YOU are the one with the issue and YOU need to solve
it. I cannot speak for them but I will tell you this about me-I REFUSE to
dumb myself down for anyone,esp. someone on an elist that barely knows
me.I have a policy-if you do not like me-the way I speak,type or some
other inherit personality trait of mine none is forcing you to talk to
me,read my postings,be near me etc.Walk away,ignore the post-whatever. I
know you are speaking of another member here but I will tell you straight
up-I use 'big words' often,I will not stop using them just because one
does not quite grasp the English language though if it is not their native
language and I am made aware of it NICELY I will gladly ensure they
understand me. But I am NOT about to just stop.I am telling you this now
so you can begin deleting my posts automatically and not have to tax your
brain by reading any more from me.regards rebirth

" The great OZ...has SPOKEN!!!

xxx Iris xxx
*throws Rebirth a cookie!! Well done!! *