To the members of Enchant.....


Lost to Apathy
Feb 26, 2002
Knoxville, TN
I wanted to take a moment and thank you for the wonderful songs you have created. Your lyrics sound like the story of my life and in those moments when things seem dark, I can always find some way out with your help.

The song My Enemy is a remarkable tune. Due to certain personal problems the song really helped me gain a perspective. As a result it hard to maintain a dry eye when listenng to it today.

We have a review of your newest record on the our website. Even though I did not write the review personally it sums up how I feel. I plan to systematically review each release in coming issues of the zine.

I never thought that a band could outdo the lyrical brilliance of early Marillion til you came along.

From a fan, I raise my glass to you.
Wow! Thanks you so much! I don't think our lyrics have ever been compared to the great Fish! A honor, truely. All I can say is that Ted, Paul & Myself, have always written from the heart about reality (mostly) and we make ourselves as vunerable as we can by sharing those feelings with the listener. I am glad that our experience can help someone else in their really makes it worth while.

Thak you for your kind words and your support,

Hey Rhavin you're right man !

Now I can say that you guys (Doug, Ted and Paul) are (to be honest it's a tie with Neil Peart and Daniel Gildenlöw from Pain Of Salvation) my biggest influence lyricswise.

Your lyrics really push me to work hard to write good lyrics, (besides being french doesn't help :D ) and to find the good structures and metaphores etc...

Some personnal stuff happened to me recently and it made me sit behind a desk, taking a pen and paper and write lyrics.

In my case, and it's hard to say, but it's easier to write about sad things happening in life than about happy people under the shining sun
Recently, I wrote lyrics about a friend close to my heart entitled "Me & Myself against I" and you might have guessed it deals with schizophrenia …_I'll post it here soon and feel free to send your thougts about it

Ze Dan aka The Blueprintman