to the numbskull- wolftribe oe something like that



listen dumb man, is that cool i call you that...BECUASE GODSMACK are not nu-metal....
you haven't listened to them haev you!!!
YOU GO OH THEY WEAR BEANIES THEY HAVE SOME CHUNKY METAL THING HANGING, WALLET CHAINS, ETC MAN, YOU ARE FUCKED DUDE NOW...fuck there are grindcore dudes out there, that look like rappers, you fuckass.
they are a mix of AIC meets pantera...
you got htat mongrel face.
Yeah, they're grunge metal, but they still don't do anything for me. Sadly, I bought two of their cds a while back, and that is why I always read reviews before buying cds now.
somebody forgot his flintstone vitamins today. Mr. Cranky Pants.
their songs are catchy ... too catchy.

when i was stuck listening to the radio in the car, before the days of my cd player, when Godsmack came on it was addicting to hum/sing along to... but I don't like the songs, so that makes the catchiness extra irritating.
how can they be nu metal? tony rombola actually solos. but, i never new triple rectifiers and a C tuning(or is it dropped D down a whole step?) made you metal. theyre hard rock that tune down more than the average band like them. they dont even have a very metal sound. rombola's solos have too much of a bluesy sound to them
Well, they sounded metallish to me. I would say more metal than hard rock, especially since bands such as Linkin Park are considered metal by some. Anyway, I don't like them, because they just sounded too repetitive to me. I have nothing against anyone who likes them though.
"rombola's solos have too much of a bluesy sound to them"
Oh yeah, I forgot that I wanted to comment on this. *cough* Black Sabbath *cough* There.
Godsmack are another one of those bands that right songs solely on being catchy, all there songs sound the same, and get lame after maybe one listen... they're guitar riffs... hmmm all they are are 2 or 3 really low powerchordes repeated... so much talent there. so what if they solo.... i've heard crappy arse bands solo...