Thinking (again) of going to Sydney, this time in mid-ish June, and am contemplating going to a game or two of rugby league.
1. How long does it take to get to Parramatta Stadium from the city?
2. How far is Aussie Stadium (formerly the Sydney Football Stadium) from the city? My map just has an arrow pointing off the page saying "Sydney Football Stadium", so it's little help.
That's about all.
Thinking (again) of going to Sydney, this time in mid-ish June, and am contemplating going to a game or two of rugby league.
1. How long does it take to get to Parramatta Stadium from the city?
2. How far is Aussie Stadium (formerly the Sydney Football Stadium) from the city? My map just has an arrow pointing off the page saying "Sydney Football Stadium", so it's little help.
That's about all.