Today has been so racist.

The Dope

Sep 19, 2002
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Today was the long awaited Black History Month dinner at my almost exclusively white school. Soul food of all types was available. I chowed down on some BBQ beef ribs (i asked the server for as many as she was allowed to give me, so i got a whole plate full) and some fried chicken and brunswick stew. I also got a free keychain that says "Proud of my Heritage" in African pride colours and everything. Considering my own personal heritage as a white southern male whose ancestors owned slaves, this is the most ironic thing EVER.

:) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: :confused: :grin: :spin: :cry: :lol:
yea i keep getting handed 'celebrate diversity' stickers and i am like wtf? i have enough trouble trying to keep shit straight! and also, back up! i dont want any feel good hugs.
I enjoyed reading an interesting article on W.E.B. Dubois while on the crapper and celebrated by freeing little niglets from the slavery of my intestines.